Eastern Washington University is excited to announce that Erin Conroy, a West Seattle native who will be a junior this fall, is the winner of a full-year, in-state tuition waiver as part of the EagsVaxUp incentive program.

Conroy, a pre-nursing major, received the waiver – valued at almost $6,900 – from interim EWU President David May during a brief presentation Wednesday, Aug. 11, on the Cheney campus.
Her tuition waiver will cover the cost of three full quarters ($2,299 per quarter) during the 2021-22 academic year. In addition to studying pre-nursing, Conroy is minoring in Psychology and ASL (American Sign Language.
Conroy’s name was drawn from among a pool of students who have successfully uploaded their vaccination information to Med+Proctor, a requirement to be eligible for the drawings.
The EagsVaxUp drawings for students, as well as for faculty and staff, will continue into December, with winners receiving parking passes, EWU Athletics gear, Theatre production tickets and an iPad Pro.
During the month of July, EWU also drew weekly student winners for one of ten $1,000 scholarships made available through the Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC).
In June, interim President May announced a vaccine requirement for all students, faculty and staff at Eastern. It is being implemented in accordance with the university’s policy on immunizations and includes exemptions for religious or medical reasons.