Records and Registration
Our mission is to provide services and support to EWU students, faculty, and staff and safeguard the accuracy, integrity, and security of each institutional, academic record.
Welcome to Records and Registration
Records and Registration provides resources to the EWU community including major declarations, transcripts, graduation planning, registration holds & errors, and grading information.
Declare Your major
Meet with an advisor to declare
There are two important catalog years, understand the significance of both years.
For more information on major declarations visit our Major Declarations Page.
Order your transcripts
Partnered with National Student Clearinghouse
For more information on transcripts and fees, view our transcripts page.
Enrollment Verification
Free Enrollment Verifications on EagleNET
Verifications take one business day to process and can be mailed or faxed.
For more information and special request forms, visit our Enrollment Verifications Page.
Faculty Member?
View our grading and curriculum planning information
Need Help? Submit a Ticket Below!
We’ve moved to the Fresh Service ticketing system! All emails sent to our office are automatically converted into a help ticket.
To prevent duplicate ticketing, please do not CC any of our other office email addresses in your message.
Trouble registering for classes?
Have a hold, error, or restriction when registering? View our registration page
Submit an Online Graduation Application on EagleNET
Need to Change Your Name, Pronouns, or Address?
Visit our Record Changes page
Residency Questions?
Check out our residency page!
Contact Us
e: regonline@ewu.edu
p: 509.359.2321 (8:30–4:00 M–F)
f: 509.359.6153
201 Sutton Hall
333 Eagle Lane
Cheney, WA 99004