Graduating into Crisis
For a Spokane public health nurse, life on the pandemic’s front lines began well before she earned her master’s degree from EWU.
For a Spokane public health nurse, life on the pandemic’s front lines began well before she earned her master’s degree from EWU.
Melissa Bedford, an assistant professor of literacy at EWU, thought it would be a good idea to get the education faculty and staff together—kind of—to send a message of support to students.
While things certainly look different on the Eastern Washington campus this quarter, the university is still working hard to host one of the most anticipated events of the academic year. The 23rd annual Student Research and Creative Works Symposium will occur virtually on Wednesday, May 27.
Under other circumstances, semester grads from Eastern’s College of Health Science and Public Health would have walked at commencement on Friday. Instead, the college got creative and celebrated online.
Now that faculty members have several weeks of remote teaching under their belts, EWU Instructional Technology and Design is offering workshops to help instructors prepare for the next steps.
Not all college hopefuls wait until their senior year of high school to pick a university to attend. One Spokane boy, with eight more years of primary and secondary school ahead of him, has already made up his mind: he will be an Eagle!
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