In preparation for the launch of a new brand positioning campaign, EWU MarCom is sunsetting the “start something big” tagline, which includes updates to the official EWU logo.
The updated logo removes the tagline reference while also making some minor adjustments to letter spacing and alignment.
New material produced by EWU will no longer reference the “start something big” tagline. However, departments are encouraged to use their existing versions until their supply runs out. This includes stationery and business cards. When you are ready to order new items, please contact MarCom.
Updated versions of the logo and identity standards are already available at ewu.edu/logo.
Have additional questions? Please refer to the Q & A section below:
What are we doing?
EWU is preparing to launch a new brand positioning campaign that will show how Eastern is evolving to meet the needs of a changing environment–that we are thinking differently about education, developing a professional workforce and powering our region. It is time to reintroduce EWU to the community as the vibrant institution we’ve become and create excitement about our future. Therefore, we will be sunsetting the “start something big campaign” and updating the university logo to reflect the change.
Why will we no longer use “start something big”?
More than a decade ago, EWU launched its first major marketing campaign, with the tagline “start something big.” The campaign served us well and met the needs at that time. However, because the campaign has run its course and doesn’t align with our new brand positioning strategy, it will be sunsetted over the summer.
Will there be a new tagline?
No. We will be launching a new brand positioning campaign in the near future that uses key messaging, vibrant visuals and creative to communicate EWU’s brand promise, rather than relying upon a tagline.
Why an updated logo?
The current logo includes the “start something big” tagline. The updated logo removes the tagline reference while also making some minor adjustments to letter spacing and alignment.
Should we stop using “start something big” in reference to EWU?
New materials produced by EWU will no longer reference the “start something big” tagline. As we phase the tagline out of usage, materials that do reference may be used until their supply has been depleted.
Can’t I just crop “start something big” out of existing logo instances?
No. The updated logo has additional minor modifications.
How will this impact me?
Please begin using the updated logo in all new materials ordered. Existing materials do not need be thrown away; you may continue to use them until they are depleted. Instances of the logo on digital platforms and channels (e.g., websites, social media, electronic documents, digital displays, etc.) should be changed out as soon as reasonably possible.
What do I do if I need new materials but the logo isn’t yet available?
Contact Marketing & Communications for assistance. Departments are not being asked to discard materials at this time; rather, we ask you to manage your inventory and if new materials are needed before the updated logo is available, consider ordering a smaller amount. MarCom can assist you with this.
What about stationery, business cards, templates and email signatures?
Marketing & Communications will be making new versions available soon. An announcement will be distributed when those are ready for use. You may continue using your existing versions in the interim.
I have old logo items, what should I do?
You may continue to use these until your supply is depleted. When you are ready to order new items, please contact MarCom.
What will be changing and won’t be changing?
The horizontal line and “start something big” will be removed from the logo. Minor adjustments are made to some of the letter spacing and alignment.
Will we need to replace signage?
Signage will not be replaced at this time, except for instances that include the tagline on a case by case basis. Please contact MarCom if you have signage that references the tagline.
What about departmental/personalized logos?
MarCom will be producing updated logos for all departments, colleges and units across campus, following a similar format to the previous versions. All logos must comply with this format, utilizing the main EWU logo. No additional or new marks will be created at this time. Please contact MarCom to begin transitioning to the updated logos.
Does this impact the University Seal?
No changes are being made to the University Seal. It should continue to be used according to current usage guidelines.
Does this impact the EWU Eagle?
No, the EWU Eagle has not been modified. Only instances that include the full EWU logo will need to be updated with this change.
What is the timeline?
The new logo formats are already available at ewu.edu/logo, with templates and other collateral to follow later this year.
Where can I get more information?
Visit ewu.edu/logo for more information and to download available logo formats and templates when they become available. Contact Shelley Stickelmeyer for questions on materials or Sam Buzby for general logo questions. New projects should be routed through the MarCom projects request form available at ewu.edu/marcom.