At the Washington State EAP, we recognize that you may be experiencing mental health impacts due to the mass shooting event this week at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.
You, your families, your coworkers, or your staff may experience a variety of emotions including shock, grief, numbness, fear, or anger. Parents and teachers may feel unsure, fearful, or concerned about the safety of children. In addition, because this event is occurring so soon after other recent events of mass violence, it’s important to recognize that the multiple shootings we see over a short period of time on the news can make emotional recovery more difficult.
To support you, we’ve prepared the following resource guide with recommendations for safeguarding mental health, and specific resources for teachers, parents, supervisors and managers. Please share this information and link within your communities: Coping with Fear of Violence: School Shootings.
We acknowledge that resources alone don’t solve our national problem of violence, yet we hope that they can at least be a starting point for navigating difficult times. If you are struggling to cope, or are concerned about family members or your staff, we invite you to request EAP services for needed support.
These services are confidential and provided at no cost to you. Staff or employees with personal or family concerns can link here to request counseling. Supervisors and managers can link here to request an organizational consultation. Thank you for your dedication to employee well-being.