SRA Template Update

Message sent on May 1, 2023 from Provost Jonathan Anderson and Mary Voves, Vice President of Business and Finance

Dear campus colleagues,

Thank you for your ongoing participation in the SRA process. The feedback on the templates was very valuable and the academic task force needs additional time to finalize the template and training materials before they can be distributed. 

Thus, we are delaying the release of templates, which was originally scheduled for today, May 1. It is our intent to keep the University Services template release aligned with the release of the Academic Programs template. We understand the delay may impact our semester programs, and we are discussing potential solutions.

Please be on the lookout for announcements on Inside EWU, the SRA website, and further campus emails regarding updates. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

In gratitude,

Jonathan Anderson, Provost & Mary Voves, VP of Business and Finance Co-Champions, Strategic Resource Allocation EWU

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