
Search for CHSPH Dean to Begin

From Jonathan W. Anderson, Provost and VP for Academic Affairs Eastern Washington University will begin a dean search for the College of Health Sciences and Public Health (CHSPH) this fall. This will be a national search and both internal and external candidates will be considered. The selection of the leader … Read more

Degree Works Is Live

Records and Registration has gone live with EWU’s exciting new degree audit tool. SOAR was retired effective June 29, and the new Degree Works audit tool is active for degree audits. Contact for any questions or access issues. The Degree Works link can be found on the Degree Audit landing page.   Check out … Read more

Navigating Supreme Court’s Dobbs Decision

Staff in Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies have been working since early June to pull together resources to help impacted EWU community members navigate a post-Roe environment. If interested in those resources, you can visit the Reproductive Justice Resources webpage off the main GWSS site. The Washington State Department of … Read more

PLUS to Launch Newly Invigorated Supplemental Instruction Program

Michelle Galey, director of PLUS (Program Leading to University Success), and the PLUS team are excited to announce their new focus on supplemental instruction opportunities in preparation for fall quarter. Newly hired retention specialist, Taylor Kensel, will coordinate study groups and the expanded supplemental instruction (SI) program.  Each year, PLUS … Read more

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