EWU’s Jamie Manson is recognized for ‘outstanding contributions to physics.’
Eastern Washington University’s Jamie Manson on Wednesday was named a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), a distinction signifying his outstanding contributions to physics. Manson, a professor of chemistry at Eastern, is a leader in designing, building and testing molecular-level structures, or “lattices,” that can control switching behaviors in electrons used during quantum computing applications.

The honor was conferred by a vote of the society’s nuclear physics division membership. Manson will be officially added to the 2021 APS Fellows’ roster at the annual meeting of the Topical Group on Magnetism and its Applications. The number of APS Fellows elected each year is limited to no more than one half of one percent of the total membership. No other faculty member at a regional university in Washington has earned APS fellow status.
According to the fellowship citation, Manson was recognized “for the elegant application of quantum-mechanical principles to the design, synthesis, and measurement of new magnetic materials with desirable properties, and for encouraging the involvement of undergraduate students in the highest levels of material discovery,”
Election to the APS fellows is just the latest achievement for Manson. Earlier this year his ongoing research earned a three-year grant of just under $400,000 from the National Science Foundation.
The NSF grant, for which Manson in the sole principal investigator, is his fourth to be consecutively funded project by the agency. It will allow him to not only continue his own investigations, but will also fund participation of a number of Eastern undergraduate researchers — students whose daily activities will mostly be centered around tasks in chemical synthesis, optical spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. “Over the coming year,” Manson says, “I plan to attract at least six students to work on the project.”
Read more about Manson’s work in our previous Inside EWU coverage: https://inside.ewu.edu/news/featured/ewu-chemistry-professor-awarded-prestigious-nsf-grant/
For more information about the APS Fellowship Program, please visit: https://www.aps.org/programs/honors/fellowships/.