With the support of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany and the College of Arts, Letters and Education at EWU, the EWU Modern Languages German program and the Art Department are collaborating on a series of student-centered events from Nov. 4 through 8 focusing on 100 years of Bauhaus design.
This is all part of the Embassy’s year-long celebration Wunderbar Together, honoring the German-American friendship—our shared history, values and experience. We will be taking a closer look at the women of Bauhaus and how Bauhaus touches our lives right now and right here in Washington.
The famous Bauhaus art school was operational in Germany from 1919 to 1933. While Bauhaus was open only a short time, it had a tremendous impact on the development of modern art and design.
The activities will include a student-curated exhibit on the women of Bauhaus, an art competition with Bauhaus-inspired art from our students on campus, a bauhaus-inspired exhibit by VCD students at the EWU downtown gallery in Cheney, a talk at the Women’s and Gender Studies Education Center on Gender at the Bauhaus, a panel discussion with art professors and community experts on Bauhaus, and several informal coffee hours and documentary film screenings throughout the week. Please join us!
Stop by the German Week information table on the first floor of the PUB from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday for more information on EWU German Week; or in the JFK Library on Thursday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. All of the events are listed below.
Monday, Nov. 4
Opening Ceremony of Wunderbar Together – Campus week: 100 Years of Bauhaus | JFK Library Alcove
The Women of Bauhaus exhibition opening
Noon – JFK Library Alcove
DESN exhibition: Triangle/Circle/Square (Bauhaus-inspired student work) | EWU Downtown Student Gallery (corner of 2nd and F streets)
Bauhaus art competition opening | Noon – JFK Library lower level
Tuesday, Nov. 5
The Women of Bauhaus exhibition | JFK Library
Bauhaus art competition | JFK Library
DESN exhibition: Triangle/Circle/Square (Bauhaus-inspired student work) | EWU Downtown Student Gallery (corner of 2nd and F streets)
Wunderbar Together – Campus week: Gender at the Bauhaus | Noon – Women and Gender Education Center, Monroe Hall
Bauhaus 100 documentary | 2-3:30 p.m. – Hargreaves 103
Wednesday, Nov. 6
The Women of Bauhaus exhibition | JFK Library
Bauhaus art competition | JFK Library
DESN exhibition: Triangle/Circle/Square (Bauhaus-inspired student work) | EWU Downtown Student Gallery (corner of 2nd and F streets)
Coffee Talk | 2-5 p.m. – Hargreaves 103
Panel Discussion: 100 years of Bauhaus
3-5 p.m. – Patterson 128
Thursday, Nov. 7
The Women of Bauhaus exhibition | JFK Library
DESN exhibition: Triangle/Circle/Square (Bauhaus-inspired student work) | EWU Downtown Student Gallery (corner of 2nd and F streets)
Bauhaus art competition | JFK Library
Bauhaus: The Face of the 20th Century documentary
1-2:30 p.m. – Hargreaves 103
Friday, Nov. 8
The Women of Bauhaus exhibition | JFK Library
DESN exhibition: Triangle/Circle/Square (Bauhaus-inspired student work) | EWU Downtown Student Gallery (corner of 2nd and F streets)
Bauhaus art competition | JFK Library
Art Contest Award Ceremony | Noon – JFK Library