Staff Inservice: Understanding the First Amendment & Its Impact at EWU

Eastern Washington University’s next inservice event will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 1 in the Nyseter Community Room (NCR), located on the first floor of the Pence Union Building (PUB). The doors will open at 8:30 a.m. for networking and light pastries and coffee with a timely start of the session at 9 a.m. The training will conclude by 11:30 a.m.

The focus of this inservice will be on a topic vital to our university community: the First Amendment and the impact it has on our work at Eastern Washington University. The training will feature guest speaker Nasha Torrez, who will provide crucial insights into First Amendment rights, highlighting the policies and laws that should be familiar to every staff member. Understanding these regulations is key to fostering a campus environment that honors free expression while maintaining our university’s values and legal responsibilities.

Following the speaker, there will be a hosted panel discussion featuring university and community experts. This panel will explore how we can effectively navigate the balance between upholding free speech and ensuring compliance with university policies. You will gain practical insights and hear directly from leaders who are actively addressing these important issues in their day-to-day work. If you have a question to be considered for the panel discussion, please submit it with your registration.

This session offers not only essential legal knowledge but, also, an opportunity for us to engage in meaningful dialogue about the First Amendment’s role within our community. You are strongly encouraged to attend this session as it will provide the information and perspectives necessary to navigate these important challenges in our work.   

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