SRA Update From Mary Voves

Message sent on Thursday, May 9 via email to EWU campus community.

Dear colleagues,

This last year, Eastern underwent a strategic resource allocation (SRA) initiative to evaluate academic programs and university services and identify those that may require additional resources, need transformation, are adequately resourced, or are over-resourced. The work performed by the SRA university services task force culminated in a report identifying numerous opportunities to make Eastern more efficient and effective as we strive to support students, faculty, and staff. The next – and most important – step in this process is to turn the analysis that has been done into action. 

The Executive Leadership Team (ELT) has determined that, due to the complexity and interconnectedness of university services across the entire institution, a collective preliminary response is a necessary first step to build the complete picture which will lead to the identification of specific actions to be undertaken through the next three to five years. Please see this preliminary response for detailed information on the implementation process that will be undertaken for all university services.

We are grateful for the hard work of the dedicated members of the task force and appreciate their insights and recommendations on how to move Eastern forward.

In gratitude,

Mary Voves, VP of Business and Finance
Co-Champions, Strategic Resource Allocation

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