EAP Newsletter: July

As July begins, our Washington State Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is offering the following resources to support you and your family:

EAP Events and Webinars
This month, the Washington State EAP is excited to share our expanded roster of *live* events and webinars. We hope that you will be able to join us for the following events: Join us every Wednesday at noon in July, August, and September as we present Wellness Wednesdays! Each month will have a themed topic and all sessions will relate to that topic.

Boosting Workplace Wellness: Strategies for Enhanced Energy and Vitality In today’s fast-paced work environment, maintaining energy and vitality throughout the day is essential for productivity and overall well-being. Our comprehensive series of micro-trainings focuses on practical strategies to boost energy at different times of the day and in various aspects of your life. From morning routines to afternoon slumps, workspace optimization to nutrition, each session is designed to provide actionable tips and insights that you can easily integrate into your daily routine. Join us to learn how to create a more energetic, focused, and productive work life.

July 10: Boosting Energy and Vitality in the Morning
Kickstart your day with our micro-training on morning energy and vitality. Learn effective strategies to wake up refreshed and ready to tackle your day. This session covers the importance of a consistent morning routine, incorporating physical activity, mindfulness practices, and nutrition tips to boost your energy levels from the moment you wake up.  

July 17: Boosting Energy & Vitality in the Afternoon Overcome the afternoon slump with our dedicated micro-training on maintaining energy levels throughout the day. Discover practical techniques to stay alert and productive during those crucial post-lunch hours. We’ll explore the benefits of short breaks, light exercise, and mindful practices, as well as nutritional tips to keep you energized and focused.  

July 24: Creating an Energizing Workspace Transform your workspace into a hub of productivity and well-being with our session on creating an energizing environment. This micro-training delves into the impact of lighting, ergonomics, color, and clutter management on your energy levels. Learn how to optimize your workspace to enhance concentration, reduce stress, and promote overall vitality.  

July 31: Nutrition for Sustained Energy Fuel your body for peak performance with our micro-training on nutrition. Understand the role of balanced meals, smart snacking, and proper hydration.

Interested in joining us? Please register HERE!

EAP Orientation for Supervisors, Leaders, and HR Professionals | Wednesday, July 10 | 9-9:30 a.m.
This is a new monthly EAP orientation with a focus on the EAP benefits available to supervisors,
 leaders, and HR professionals.

EAP Orientation to the Employee Assistance Program | Wednesday, July 10 | 11-11:30 a.m.  
Learn about all the EAP offers through a live 30-minute EAP Orientation webinar.

Can’t attend the live June webinars? Check out future dates.  In addition, EAP offers on demand webinars on a variety of subjects, including EAP Orientationdepression and anxiety relating to stress, emotional intelligence, and more.

In July, the EAP Work/Life site is offering tools and resources to help you better understand the teens in your life: technology and social media have shaped how most teens learn and grow, and we can help with practical strategies to build open communication and connection with your teens. Get started by viewing this month’s on-demand seminar, “Parenting Adolescents: Understanding Gen Z in Your Home” – it’s available beginning Tuesday, July 16 through the Work/Life site. Login using your Work/Life Access Code, EWU.

Monthly Resources:
As the sun shines brighter and the days grow longer, it’s the perfect time to embrace the season of relaxation and rejuvenation. Vacations are more than just an escape from the daily grind; they are a vital opportunity to recharge our minds and bodies. Whether you prefer lounging by a tranquil beach, exploring vibrant cityscapes, or hiking through serene mountains, taking a break allows us to reconnect with ourselves and the world around us. This summer, let’s make it a priority to carve out time for the activities that bring us joy and peace. In our fast-paced lives, the importance of stepping away cannot be overstated. Studies have shown that regular vacations not only reduce stress but also enhance our creativity and productivity upon returning to our routines. So, pack your bags and embark on that long-awaited adventure, or simply indulge in a staycation where you can unwind and savor life’s simple pleasures. Let this be your reminder to prioritize self-care and to allow yourself the luxury of doing nothing but enjoying the moment. After all, the best ideas and the most profound insights often come to us when we’re at our most relaxed.

Online Articles:            
Why You Should Take More Time Off of Work
Well Recovered and More Creative? A Longitudinal Study on the Relationship Between Vacation and Creativity 
4 Ways for Companies to Protect Worker Mental Health
The Importance of Vacation in the WorkplaceHow Taking a Vacation Improves Your Wellbeing
Why Taking Vacation Time Can Save Your Life14 Tips for Encouraging Employees to Take Time Off
I Just Went of Vacation. How Am I Still Burned Out?
The Vacation Paradox: Why Employees Leave Time on the Table
Reshaping Workplace Norms: How to Handle Vacation Shamers
Creating a Culture of Self Care in the Workplace        

Personal Relationships:
How to Have Fun and Grow Closer On Your Couples Vacation
5 Ways To Bring Your Vacation Romance Home
How Vacations Can Help or Harm Your Relationship
7 Ways to Prioritize Joy in Your Romantic Relationship, and Why Doing So is Essential
Having Fun Together is a Key to Relationship Satisfaction
Excavating Joy in Relationships

Family Connection:
Cultivating Joy as A FamilyTaking Advantage of Summertime to Get to Know Your Child
The Perfect Family Vacation: Why We Are Not There Yet
Family Bucket List: 100+ Fun Activities and the Best Things to Do with Kids
25 Superfun Things to Do with Family to Strengthen Your Bonds
Fun Family Activities to Do at Home This Weekend 
How to Help Your Family Thrive: The Essentials
Having Healthy Family Relationships with Less Stress
Best of Lists for Kids from Common Sense Media: Books, Movies, and Games
Best Media Picks for Diversity: Recommendations for Families
Family Engagement Toolkit: Resources to Support Healthy Tech Use at Home and at School

General Resources:
8 Steps to a Happier VacationVacation Stress?
You’re Not Alone Why Our Body and Brain Need a Vacation
Create Joy and SatisfactionWhy It’s Important to Break Routines
3 Simple Ways to Cultivate Joy Every Day
Increase Your Joy Aptitude 
How to Have Real Fun – Even When Life’s Got You Down
All About Travel Anxiety
5 Reasons We Feel Guilty When Relaxing and What to Do
Staycation Ideas: 6 Ways to Enjoy a Relaxing Vacation at Home
Caring For Your Mental Health
5 Types of Self-Care for Every Area of Your Life
5 Practices for a Healthier Emotional Life
5 Ways to Make this Your Summer of Fitness
How to Avoid Post-Vacation Stress

In addition to the resources we shared for creating a relaxing and enjoyable July, we also want to begin spreading awareness about how to mentally prepare for the state and federal elections this November. As an EAP, we recognize that as the upcoming elections draw near, it’s common to experience heightened emotions and stress related to political polarization and conflict. The constant barrage of news, social media debates, and the uncertainty of the outcomes can lead to significant emotional and mental strain. It’s crucial to recognize these feelings and take proactive steps to manage them. Begin by setting boundaries with news consumption and social media use, ensuring you’re not overwhelmed by the constant stream of information. Practicing mindfulness and stress-relief techniques, such as meditation, deep-breathing exercises, and physical activity, can also help maintain mental equilibrium. Connecting with friends and family who share your values and engaging in meaningful, non-political conversations can provide a supportive environment that fosters emotional resilience. Moreover, focusing on community engagement and constructive dialogue can significantly reduce feelings of isolation and division. Volunteering for local causes, attending community events, or participating in discussions that prioritize understanding over winning an argument can shift your focus from national tensions to positive, local impacts. Remember, it’s okay to step back and take a break from the political fray to protect your mental health. By prioritizing self-care and constructive interaction, you can navigate the election season with a clearer mind and a calmer spirit, contributing to a more peaceful and balanced community atmosphere. We hope that you find these additional resources helpful.

Articles Work:
Navigating the Workplace Political Minefield
Politics in the Workplace: How Managers Can Keep the Peace
Navigating Politics in the Workplace During a Divisive Political Year
Workplace Political Polarization
How Do I Get My Boss to Stop Talking About Politics at Work?  

Personal/Family/Parenting Relationships:
Bridging Differences Playbook (Learn research-based strategies to promote positive dialogue and understanding)
Coping with Political Differences in Your Romantic Relationship
Elections are Stressful, But Civic Engagement is Good for Youth Mental Health
How to Support LGBTQ+ Young People Ahead of the 2024 Election
Digital Wellbeing Lessons for Kids, grades K-12
Digital Citizenship Resources for Family Engagement
Explaining the news to our kids

General Resources:
How to Protect Your Brain from Election Stress
Election Stress: Tips to Manage Anxious Feelings About Politics
Americans are Stressed About Politics
When is Political Polarization Good and When Does It Go Bad?
Seeing People as Individuals Reduces Political Hostility
Awe Experiences Decrease Political Polarization
Knowledge is Power: Fighting Misinformation, Disinformation, and Junk News
UCLA Critical Media Literacy Research Guide
Update: Partisan Gaps Expand Most on Government Power, Climate
Are Online Political Debates Skewing Our Sense of Reality?    

And, if you’re struggling, or looking for some support, guidance, or useful resources, please don’t hesitate to reach out by calling 1.877.313.4455 or going online.  

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