The new Eagle Station bus plaza, which will include wind barriers, heat and real-time scheduling screens, is projected to open by mid-February. Spokane Transit Authority says Eagle Station will make the wait time easier and more comfortable for the many students, faculty and staff who travel by bus from Cheney to Spokane.
“It’s exciting, really. I would love not having to stress about what time my bus is coming. The heaters sound so cool. I used to freeze while waiting for the bus!” says Alisyn Waite, an MFA student studying creative writing.
The station, painted proud Eagle red and featuring the Eagle logo, will provide close to 1500-square feet of covered waiting area. Work on the $1.3 million project began last August. It is funded by the Washington State Legislature through its Regional Mobility Grant Program.
On top of improving conditions for current bus riders, Eagle Station promises to encourage others to leave their cars at home, helping to improve regional air quality and reducing traffic congestion.
Eastern students, faculty and staff with a valid EagleCard can ride any Spokane Transit Authority bus route for free. Commuters in Spokane can leave their cars at either the South Hill or Jefferson “park and rides” and hop on a bus to Cheney.
“Transit is a critical part of making sure we reduce barriers and provide access to transportation to everyone,” says Representative Marcus Riccelli of Washington’s 3rd Legislative District, in a promotional video released by Spokane Regional Transit.
Eagle Station is slated for a ribbon-cutting ceremony this spring when weather — and pandemic safety conditions — are better.