EWU’s Scott Finnie Discusses Civil Rights Tour on Local Podcast

Scott Finnie, the director of EWU’s Africana Studies Program, has been invited to speak once a month on the Spokane Talks Podcast as part of their Experts @ EWU series. Last week he appeared on the program to discuss the annual 1,000 Mile Civil Rights Tour for EWU students and faculty members. You can watch the segment below:

Eastern Magazine also featured a story on the annual trip, you can read Transformative Journey here.

Finnie was recently interviewed by Politico, an American political magazine and website, speaking on the magnitude of recent shifts in public opinion on race relations and police misconduct. To read more, here is a link to the article, ‘A seismic quake’: Floyd killing transforms views on race.

And to explore more Experts @ EWU podcasts, featuring many prominent faculty members, visit the Spokane Talks website.

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