EWU Students Volunteer for Children’s Justice Conference

Five EWU Master of Social Work students recently volunteered for the Children’s Justice Conference, held in Tacoma, Washington.

Aizea Pardo, Maria Navarro, Mariah Avalos, Brenda DeLeon and Jasmine Wrocklage helped out, along with Melisa Majnarich, faculty field liaison and lecturer for the School of Social Work. 

The conference hosted approximately 1,200 professionals from the region and offered nearly 100 workshops over a two-day period.

In addition, to the work the student volunteers provided for the conference, they attended workshops related to child welfare and safety, spoke with presenters and exhibitors, and networked with professionals from state and federal agencies, non-profits, advocacy groups and other organizations.

The contributions provided by the EWU student volunteers were invaluable, wrote Amy Bustamante, CAPTA grant program manager for the Department of Children Youth and Families, in a letter of thanks.

“From ushering to registering, from helping with technical issues and assisting presenters, these volunteers were all over the place, diligently working to ensure that the conference ran smoothly,” Bustamante said.

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