Cat Tails

This organization offers a home to big cats, bears, and other wildlife. Most of these animals are native to the area, this offers education to local people on these animals. This is a safe place for education on these animals and a home to these animals, that couldn’t just be put back into the wild.

Spokane Humane Evacuation Animal Rescue Team

HEART is a non-profit group run purely by volunteers. To provide assistance in times of emergency/disasters, whether man-made or natural, rescuing animals, setting up and operating emergency animal shelters when requested by appropriate authority. Also works to educate the public regarding emergency preparedness for all animals within their care.

Letters to Soldiers

This organization is something that allows everyone to support our soldiers in so many different ways. There are multiple different teams included in this organization include card and letter writing team, angel bakers team, chaplain support team, deployed adoptions team, ladies of liberty team, and special operations forces team. All of these aspects of the organization provide some kind of support and help for soldiers that might not get it from other sources. It shows the soldiers that they are loved and appreciated by a lot of people around them. For this project, I chose to register for the card writing team and send some letters from my kindergarteners to the soldiers.