Nicole Nemeth Selected as an EWU McNair Scholar and Awarded Summer Research Internship

Congratulations to new McNair Scholar Nicole Nemeth! Nicole was selected by the McNair Scholars’ selection committee on the basis of her passion for research, commitment to attaining a PhD, and overall potential for success in graduate school. The federally-funded TRIO Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program at EWU selects motivated and talented juniors and seniors … Read more

Christopher Nava Selected as an EWU McNair Scholar and Awarded Summer Research Internship

Congratulations to new McNair Scholar Christopher Nava! Chris was selected by the McNair Scholars’ selection committee on the basis of his passion for research, commitment to attaining a PhD, and overall potential for success in graduate school. The federally-funded TRIO Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program at EWU selects motivated and talented juniors and seniors … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Richard Murphy Awarded Jeffers Chertok Dean’s Honor

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Richard Murphy who’s is a recipient of the Jeffers Chertok Dean’s Honor Award. This award recognizes exceptional graduates who have demonstrated a commitment to their education through outstanding academic achievement with a minimum of a 3.75 GPA in their previous 4 quarters and through leadership and service to the community. … Read more

Vanessa Sanchez Selected as an EWU McNair Scholar and Awarded Summer Research Internship

Congratulations to new McNair Scholar Vanessa Sanchez! Vanessa was selected by the McNair Scholars’ selection committee on the basis of her passion for research, commitment to attaining a PhD, and overall potential for success in graduate school. The federally-funded TRIO Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program at EWU selects motivated and talented juniors and seniors … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Terreca DeFehr Presents Research at the Rocky Mountain Pyschological Association

EWU McNair Scholar Terreca DeFehr presented her McNair research at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association gathering in April, 2024. Terreca’s research, under the mentorship of Dr. Jillene Seiver, analyzed an existing data set and was titled: “Work-Family And Family-Work Conflict As A Function Of Role Commitment And Core Self-Evaluation.” Presenting research is a critical part … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Kelly Parke Presents her Research at Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity

EWU McNair Scholar Kelly Parke, presented her research, Atmospheres of Ableism: A Phenomenological Exploration of Everyday Encounters, at the Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity this February. This culmination of her 2023 Summer Research Internship, under the mentorship of Dr. Ryan Parrey worked to explore Tuasig’s concept of ableism as “the atmosphere we … Read more