EWU McNair Scholar Samantha Sanchez-Garcia Accepted by Third Graduate Program

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Samantha Sanchez-Garcia! Samantha has been accepted by the Industrial-Organizational Psychology Masters Program at California State University in San Bernardino. This is in addition to her acceptance by the Industrial-Organizational Behavior Management Masters Program at Western Michigan University and by the Industrial and Organizational Psychology PhD Program at DePaul University with … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Samantha Sanchez-Garcia Accepted to IOBM Masters Program at Western Michigan University

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Samantha Sanchez-Garcia! Samantha has been accepted by the Industrial-Organizational Behavior Management Masters Program at Western Michigan University. This is in addition to her acceptance to the Industrial and Organizational Psychology PhD Program at DePaul University. Samantha is majoring in Psychology at Eastern Washington University, with an emphasis in communication, sociology, … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Samantha Sanchez-Garcia Accepted to PhD Program at DePaul University

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Samantha Sanchez-Garcia. Samantha has been accepted by the Industrial-Organizational Psychology PhD Program at DePaul University with full funding. Samantha is majoring in Psychology at Eastern, with an emphasis in communication, sociology, and industrial/organizational psychology. She is also working on her Inclusion and Diversity certificate. Samantha is a research assistant in … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Samantha Sanchez Garcia Completes Summer Research Internship

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Samantha Sanchez-Garcia for completing her EWU McNair Summer Research Internship! Samantha researched the impact of traumatic experiences on college students under the mentorship of Dr. Jillene Seiver a Senior Lecturer in the Psychology Department at Eastern Washington University. Sami recently presented her research from Traumatic Experiences and Mental Health Among … Read more

Nine EWU McNair Scholars Present at Baylor McNair Research Conference

From looking at community perceptions of reentry barriers to formerly incarcerated people to the impact of chemical weathering from Mount St. Helen’s on streams, EWU McNair Scholars have been hard at work researching all summer under the guidance of their mentors. On October 1st and 2nd. Nine of these scholars presented at the 2020 Virtual … Read more

EWU McNair Scholars Continue Summer Research Despite COVID-19

Soon after the shelter in place began in Washington state, EWU McNair started hearing reports from our colleagues that summer research internships were being cancelled across the country. We cringed knowing that several of our students had received prestigious summer research internships or were still waiting to hear back from those they’d applied to. Fortunately, … Read more