EWU McNair Scholar Christina Hudson Presents at National Association of African American Studies & Affiliates 2022 Conference

In February, EWU McNair scholar Christina Hudson presented at the National Association of African American Studies & Affiliates 2022 Virtual Conference, held online. She presented her 2021 Summer Research Internship project The Characterization of African Religion. For this project, Christina was mentored by Dr. Okera Nsombi. Christina is double majoring in English studies and Africana studies, … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Seth McCullough Presents at Murdock College Science Research Conference

Seth McCullough Presents at Murdock Conference

  In 2021, EWU McNair Scholar Seth McCullough presented at the Murdock College Science Research Conference. The conference focuses on sharing and advancing new knowledge in the natural sciences created or discovered through collaborative faculty-student research, and attendance is by invitation.   We asked Seth a few questions about his experience at the Murdock Conference to … Read more

EWU McNair Scholars Present their STEM Research and Experiences

Despite COVID-19, EWU McNair Scholars have persisted through their virtual research internships during the summer of 2020 and now are presenting their research throughout the year. In addition to Ashley Destin and Rachael Pentico presenting at the Murdock College Science Research Conference in the Fall of 2020, three McNair Scholars have presented within their departments … Read more

EWU McNair Scholars Present at Murdock College Science Research Conference 2020

Despite COVID-19, EWU McNair Scholars have persisted through their virtual research internships during the summer of 2020 and continued to present their research throughout the year. This last fall, two EWU McNair Scholars presented at the Murdock College Science Research Conference. This Northwest specific undergraduate conference focuses on sharing and advancing new knowledge in the … Read more

Nine EWU McNair Scholars Present at Baylor McNair Research Conference

From looking at community perceptions of reentry barriers to formerly incarcerated people to the impact of chemical weathering from Mount St. Helen’s on streams, EWU McNair Scholars have been hard at work researching all summer under the guidance of their mentors. On October 1st and 2nd. Nine of these scholars presented at the 2020 Virtual … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Theresa Lee Presents Poster at the American Society of Criminology Conference

EWU McNair Scholar Theresa Lee presents her research poster with Mentor Dr. Lindsey Upton at the American Society for Criminology Conference in 2019. EWU McNair Scholar Theresa Lee presented her research poster, “Prisoner Reentry: College Perceptions of Reentry Barriers in a Northwest Community” this November at the American Society of Criminology (ASC) conference. With the … Read more