EWU McNair Scholars Present & Volunteer at Phi Alpha Theta Conference

EWU McNair commends our scholars for outstanding academic community engagement and we look forward to seeing many other scholars present their research at the upcoming EWU Research Symposium, May 7th and 8th!

EWU McNair Scholar Richard Murphy on Neoliberalism in Higher Education Panel

Richard Murphy on Neoliberalism in Higher Education panel

On February 9th in the Pence Student Union Building, EWU McNair scholar Richard Murphy participated on a panel on Neoliberalism in Higher Education. Richard is triple-majoring in Philosophy, Political Science, and International Affairs with an emphasis on Global Socio-Economic Development, and minoring in Spanish. For his 2022 Summer Research Internship, Richard worked with Dr. Thomas Hawley … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Christina Hudson: ASEWU Diversity Representative

EWU McNair Scholar Christina Hudson: ASEWU Diversity Outreach Representative

EWU McNair Scholar Christina Hudson is serving as the Associated Students of EWU Diversity Outreach Representative for the 2021-2022 academic year. In this position, Christina helps to create a culture of inclusivity and community at EWU. Based on her work in this role, her outstanding academic record, and her regular contributions to organizations such as … Read more

EWU McNair Orientation: Honors Program

McNair Orientation, Honors Edition, November 3 at 3pm, 107 Monroe Hall, EWU

McNair will be holding an orientation meeting for students in EWU’s Honors Program on Wednesday November 3 at 3pm, in our offices at 107 Monroe Hall.   The EWU TRIO McNair Scholar Program is seeking students who would like to do a summer research internship guided by a Faculty Mentor and attend graduate school after … Read more

McNair Orientation! October 19th and 26th

Interested in grad school? McNair can help!

Interested in grad school? The EWU TRIO McNair Scholar Program is seeking students who would like to do a summer research internship guided by a Faculty Mentor and attend graduate school after graduation! The federally-funded TRIO Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program at EWU supports first-generation and low-income and/or racially under-represented students in higher education who … Read more

EWU McNair Assistant Director Joins TRIO McNair Professionals from Across the Nation to Share Best Practices at the 6th Annual McNair Promising Practices Institute (MPPI)

At the beginning of February 2020, the EWU McNair program’s Assistant Director, Cynthia Dukich, joined over 150 people representing 89 McNair Scholars programs from around the country as they came together at the 6th Annual McNair Promising Practices Institute (MPPI) at the University of Central Florida to learn and share about the most innovative practices … Read more