EWU McNair Scholar Christina Hudson: ASEWU Diversity Representative

EWU McNair Scholar Christina Hudson: ASEWU Diversity Outreach Representative

EWU McNair Scholar Christina Hudson is serving as the Associated Students of EWU Diversity Outreach Representative for the 2021-2022 academic year. In this position, Christina helps to create a culture of inclusivity and community at EWU. Based on her work in this role, her outstanding academic record, and her regular contributions to organizations such as … Read more

McNair Scholar Christina Hudson Participates in Presidential Search

EWU McNair Scholar Christina Hudson was nominated to participate in the presidential search committee by former McNair Director Doctora Christina Torres García. The committee was comprised of faculty, staff, Board of Trustee members, and just a few students. As we chatted about her experience she exclaimed that it was really fun and she learned a … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Christina Hudson Completes Summer Research Internship

Christina Hudson worked with Dr. Okera Nsombi 

EWU McNair Scholar Christina Hudson worked with Dr. Okera Nsombi on her Summer Research Internship project The Characterization of African Religions. Christina’s aim was to investigate how Western academia’s proximity to Eurocentric hegemonies influences religious studies. Her literature review went on to survey the work of scholars who have engaged in the examination of Eurocentrism as it pertains to the … Read more

12 EWU McNair Scholars Present at EWU Virtual Symposium

12 McNair Scholars Present at EWU’s 2021 CSTEM and McNair Spring Research Symposium

In June 2021, EWU held the CSTEM and McNair Spring Research Symposium. This online event offered a chance for McNair scholars to present their research, as well as attend the Social Justice in Research Panel of EWU McNair alumni now working in academics and education.  The mission of the federally-funded TRiO Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Christina Hudson Contributes to BlackPast.org

EWU McNair Scholar Christina Hudson was invited to contribute to BlackPast.org as part of their STEM internship program, after connecting with Tam’ra-Kay Francis, Ph.D. from University of Washington’s Chemistry Department at the 2021 Gabriel E. Gallardo Research, Student Leadership & Advocacy Symposium. From the BlackPast.org Factsheet: BlackPast.org, founded on February 1, 2007, is broadly conceived to … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Christina Hudson Awarded Robert and Joan Morgan Nelson Scholarship

Christina has been awarded the Robert and Joan Morgan Nelson Scholarship.

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Christina Hudson! Christina has been awarded the Robert and Joan Morgan Nelson Scholarship. The scholarship benefits a History or Humanities Major at EWU. Christina is double majoring in English Studies and Africana Studies, with a minor in Religious Studies. Christina researched The Characterization of African Religion with Dr. Okera Nsombi for her summer internship. … Read more