Please do not throw your universal waste in the trash!

Universal waste is common household waste that contain hazardous components. Universal waste can be generated by both businesses and households. It is usually generated in relatively small quantities and is less harmful than waste that is designated as Hazardous Waste.
Universal waste was previously disposed of with normal household trash. New laws have been established to remove universal waste from landfills by either recycling it or using special disposal methods.
Universal waste is comprised of many common items such as:
- Aerosol cans
- Batteries
- Electronics
- Household Appliances
- Lightbulbs
Disposing of universal waste
Aerosol Cans & Small Gas Cylinders
Aerosol cans and small gas cylinders are pressurized and, in most cases, contain flammable components. A few buildings on campus contain collection barrels.
The cans and cylinders can be dropped off at the Waste Transfer Facility
Please scroll to the bottom of the “About Us,” page to find the location of the Waste Transfer Facility.
Most household batteries are considered Universal Waste and all batteries are recycled at Eastern. Look for battery recycling bins next to the paper recycling.
If the battery recycling bin near you is full, contact Transportation Services (x4835) so it can be replaced.
Fluorescent lights may contain mercury vapor. These lights should be handled carefully to prevent them from breaking (and releasing mercury into the room and environment). They must be recycled when they burn out.
Lights can be dropped off in the shed next to the Waste Transfer Facility. Please scroll to the bottom of the “About Us,” page to find the location of the Waste Transfer Facility or Call EH&S if you require assistance with these products.
Mercury Containing Thermometers, Thermostats and Gauges
Contact EH&S for disposal of mercury containing items. Place unbroken items in a bucket for EH&S to collect, or take the bucket to the Waste Transfer Facility. Please scroll to the bottom of the “About Us,” page to find the location of the Waste Transfer Facility.
Contact EH&S (x6496) immediately for broken or leaking mercury containing items.
Electronics & Household Appliances
Electronics and household appliances can contain lead and mercury. Proper disposal is important to keep toxic substances out of the landfill and prevent their release into the environment.
Contact Surplus Sales (x7377) for electronic waste and Transportation Services (x4835) for household appliance waste.
Ink Cartridges
Used ink cartridges can be recycled with the University Post Office. They can be dropped off at the Post Office in Tawanka 125.
Contact the Mail Services (x7933) with any questions.