The Hope House

Hope House was founded in response to the 1997 serial murders of women on the streets of Spokane to offer women protection from violence on the street. Hope House is a shelter in Spokane for women 18 years or older. There are 100 beds open a night for women that need it. Each woman receives personal care including nutritious food, a hot shower, clean and dry clothing, hygiene items, a warm bed, onsite case management, resource information, connection to permanent housing, and referrals to community resources.

City of Spokane

The City of Spokane has an abundance of resources about Spokane and the communities within the city. This organization has links to Business’, developments, libraries, parks and recreation, courts, community, and any open data for the public. Students will be able to understand the importance of the community after learning more about where they live.

Santa Express

Santa Express is a holiday retail store for all children in the Spokane, WA community; many of whom make this shopping experience part of their holiday tradition. The entirety of proceeds from the store benefits the Vanessa Behan, a safe shelter for kids who are in crisis situations. The store also offers the availability for adults to shop in the boutique of specialty items perfect for stocking stuffers, gifts for family, friends, or secret Santas to those that may not have financial means for Christmas. The gifts range from $1.00 to $10.00.

Partnering for Progress

P4P builds relationships with villages in Kenya’s Kopanga region to help them create flourishing communities by improving their quality of life in the areas most important to them. They work first to understand the needs of the communities we serve through open communication with local, regional, and government organizations. By collaborating with those educators, leaders, and health care workers and designing culturally relevant, locally supported projects, P4P is a catalyst for change and a tool to break the long-standing cycle of poverty and disease.

Art Salvage Spokane

Art Salvage Spokane seeks to promote reuse and creativity for students, teachers, artists, crafters and makers of all ages. This organization educates and inspires innovative creative reuse and sustainability in our local communities. To accomplish this, Art Salvage Spokane takes donations of all sorts of materials and reuses them for creative projects that anyone and everyone can participate in.