Grades of Green

Student Contributor -L. Whites
Grades of green is a non-profit organization whose goal is to instill environmental values in students around the world. Their purpose is to provide free and easy to access educational resources to students, teachers and schools so that we can all work on creating a better future for our world and everyone in it. They have 40+ activities all aimed at instilling environmental values in youth across the globe.

Grades of green makes a difference by creating resources for educating students. It also empowers students to be advocates for taking care of the Earth and creating a better future for the planet and everyone in it. Teachers and students can use Grades of Greens’ website to find activities that have been tested and used successfully. These are fun activities that teach a lot and let schools earn badges for completing them. It is easy to sign up and get access to many awesome activities! Teachers should consider partnering with this organization because it is a great way to find materials to instill environmental values in students.

Teachers and students can partner with this organization in order to educate even more students. Students can advocate for environmental sustainability while teaching other students in their schools about what they have learned themselves. This gives the students an opportunity to be leaders in their schools and make a difference!

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