Growing Neighbors

Student Contributor -Tessa Britt
Growing neighbors is passionate about growing relationships and produce with local neighbors to encourage healthier lifestyles. The primary goal is developing “Neighborhood Families.” They want to see neighbors sharing meals and resources, using their gifts to care for each others’ needs. Some additional goals include increasing food access, food and fitness education, exercise, mentoring, job training, environmental stewardship, and waste-reduction.

Growing Neighbors accomplishes its goals by partnering with other community organizations to equip neighbors of all ages and ability levels to lead an urban farming movement in local neighborhoods. These urban farmers will help their fellow neighbors turn their yards into “Farmyards.” The produce grown will be shared with the Farmyard owner, the families of the farmers, and other local neighbors. Volunteers will also gain business skills by selling some produce at local farmers’ markets.

Growing neighbors partner with a wide variety of individuals, businesses, non-profits, schools, libraries, churches, neighborhood councils, and local government employees. A school could partner with Growing Neighbors by creating a school garden in which the produce grown can be shared with families and other local neighbors. A school could also partner with Growing Neighbors by having them come in to speak about food and fitness education, exercise, mentoring, job training, environmental stewardship, and waste-reduction.

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