Issac Foundation

The Isaac Foundation’s mission is to fund innovative research projects that aim to find a cure for MPS, a rare, debilitating, and devastating disease. They provide support for families of individuals suffering from MPS and advocate on their behalf to ensure government funding for expensive, life-sustaining treatments are covered by the health care system.

Panhandle Animal Shelter

Panhandle Animal Shelter helps provide homes for dogs and cats that need them. The shelter relies on donations and fundraising to take care of the animals. The majority of people working at this organizations are volunteers. Panhandle Animal Shelter’s mission statement is, “To create and support meaningful connections by enhancing the lives of dogs, cats and the people in our community who love them.”.

Spokane Folklore Society

“The mission of the Fall Folk Festival is to present the diversity of our community through traditional music, dance and the arts.” In 2005, the festival expanded to two days and showcased more than a 100 performing groups. The festival takes place at Spokane Community College and is organized by the Spokane Folklore Society, a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization.

Inland Northwest Community Gardens

On their website they claim their mission is to, “Inland Northwest Community Gardens provides local access to healthy edible gardening through networking, demonstrations, advocacy, and connecting people to gardens and urban agricultural or sustainability programs.” They go to communities and help them to build a community garden that they hope can remain active and well used for years to come. They also have a yearly rate to be a community garden member. The fees are $8-$10 a year and this gets members food from the garden and an invitation to potluck dinners.