Issac Foundation

Student Contributor -S Boothe
The Isaac Foundation’s mission is to fund innovative research projects that aim to find a cure for MPS, a rare, debilitating, and devastating disease. They provide support for families of individuals suffering from MPS and advocate on their behalf to ensure government funding for expensive, life-sustaining treatments are covered by the health care system.

They do several different organized events throughout the year. They do an annual “Gala For a Cure.” At the gala, they have dinner, wine, live music, dancing, silent auction, and awards. All the money goes back to MPS research. They also do ‘Run For a Cure.’ Also raising money for MPS research. They also do an Isaac Foundation live auction and silent auction.

For the Isaac Foundation actions, you could have the students make a basket to give to the auction so they can help raise money to continue their great work within the autism community.

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