Cards for Hospitalized Kids

Student Contributor -C. Sanchez
The purpose of Cards for Hospitalized Kids is to provide handwritten cards of encouragement for children who are in the hospital. Many of these children have chronic or life-threatening illnesses. Ultimately, the founder of this organization’s aim is to uplift these children with simple words of encouragement.

This organization has sent over 14,000 cards of encouragement to more than 150 hospitals nationwide. The cards are created by local and national volunteers. Cards can be sent individually or through communities such as churches and sport groups. The cards help children see that there are people in the world who care. Children are encouraged to know that they are not only supported by their families and friends, but by other children and adults around the globe. This organization has been in existence for over 11 years, and it continues to impact hospitalized children on a national level.

Teachers and their students can easily partner with the “Cards for Hospitalized Kids” organization. Teachers can help students write and create encouraging cards for the numerous hospitalized children around the world. Once the students write these cards, the teacher can mail them to the “Card for Hospitalized Kids” address. This organization provides personal stories from card recipients. Therefore, when partnering with this organization, teachers can show these stories to their students. This helps students conceptualize what they are doing and understand that their cards are being sent to real children that are just like them.

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