Growing Neighbors

Growing Neighbors

Growing neighbors is passionate about growing relationships and produce with local neighbors to encourage healthier lifestyles. The primary goal is developing “Neighborhood Families.” They want to see neighbors sharing meals and resources, using their gifts to care for each others’ needs. Some additional goals include increasing food access, food and fitness education, exercise, mentoring, job training, environmental stewardship, and waste-reduction.

Grades of Green

Grades of Green

Grades of green is a non-profit organization whose goal is to instill environmental values in students around the world. Their purpose is to provide free and easy to access educational resources to students, teachers and schools so that we can all work on creating a better future for our world and everyone in it. They have 40+ activities all aimed at instilling environmental values in youth across the globe.

Global Water

Global Water is based upon the belief that the lack of access to safe drinking water tis the primary cause of hunger, disease, and poverty throughout the developing world. Founded in 1982, Global Water is a volunteer-based, international, non-profit humanitarian organization with 501 tax-exempt status in the United States. We’re focused on providing safe water supplies, sanitation and hygiene facilities, and related health programs for rural villagers in developing countries. Over the past 25 years, Global Water has developed a model that we call the Rural Outreach Water Supply Program.

Global Neighbors

Global Neighborhood

This organization provides resources job training for refugees coming to the Spokane Area. The organization is a non profit thrift store local to Spokane. The store also employs refugees to work there. They partner with other local businesses like Boots Cafe to hold events in order to raise money for the non-profit.

Generation Alive

Generation Alive

Generation Alive is a program that brings awareness to students in the schools to make a difference in the world. Their mission statement is: Generation Alive empowers youth to compassionately engage the needs of their community through action and service. Their goal is to help the students elevate the quality of life in their communities.