Adopt a US Soldier

Student Contributor -H Britain
The purpose of this non-profit organization is to honor active military personnel and show them their bravery does not go unnoticed when fighting for our country. This organization allows communication between these soldiers who are sacrificing so much across the world and civilians. This is a way for us to thank them personally for all that they do and all they have given up for us to live freely.

Teachers should consider partner with Adopt A US Soldier because it is very easy to do, yet so rewarding. We can show our appreciation for our military by simply signing up to adopt a US soldier. There are two different ways to support our troops. One way is adopting an individual military member and support him or her through sending weekly letters/cards or optional care packages. The second way is that you can sign up for Project Frontlines for a one-time support only. Adopt a US Soldier has helped bring many soldiers the gift of friendship, love, support and a touch of home while they are deployed. Adopt a US Soldier is a channel for the soldiers to receive these letters and care packages from people who are willing to send them. Adopt A US Soldier is active in over 170+ countries/ territories/ independent states with over 1,000,000 active volunteers supporting our troops. This goes to show that anyone can help, if you have the extra means, or not.

Teachers and students can simply partner with this organization. All students and teachers would have to do is set aside some time during class to write thoughtful letters to soldiers. This would help benefit the students because they are working on their writing, while being civically involved at the same time. Writing a letter is simple and only takes a pencil and paper. An extra step that could be taken would be to have the whole class create a care package for one or multiple soldiers. Students could bring in extra stuff they have from home that isn’t being used or students could volunteer to go out and buy different things. The best thing about this organization is that you get to choose your support level, and no matter what way you choose to help, our soldiers will feel appreciated.

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