EWU Army ROTC Cadet Receives the Major General Barbara R. Holcomb Nurse Cadet Excellence Award

The Eastern Washington University (EWU) Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program is pleased to announce that Kylie Crooks has been awarded the Major General (MG) Barbara R. Holcomb Nurse Cadet Excellence Award.  The award recognizes the top nursing Cadet in the 8th ROTC Brigade that covers the 30 different ROTC programs across the west coast of the United States to include major universities such as USC, UCLA, Oregon, Washington, Washington St. etc.  MG Barbara Holcomb is a 1987 graduate from the Seattle University’s ROTC program and the former Chief of the Army Nurse Corps.  She retired from active duty last year and established this award to recognize nursing excellence in the brigade.

Kylie Crooks
EWU Army ROTC Cadet, Kylie Crooks.

Cadet Crooks is studying nursing and is on pace to graduate with honors.  She has also demonstrated a high level of physical fitness by scoring above 90 points on each event of the Army Physical Fitness Test.  She has further demonstrated her fitness by receiving a Gold German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge (GAFPB) during testing held by German Army officials at EWU.  She was also selected for a Randy Van Turner ROTC Scholarship that is currently paying her full tuition.  Kylie last summer completed ROTC Advanced Camp at Ft. Knox, Kentucky where she received the highest rating of “Outstanding”.  Besides being a Cadet, Kylie also serves as a watercraft engineer in the U.S. Army Reserve’s 467th Transportation Company.

After graduating from EWU and the Washington State University College of Nursing in December 2020, Kylie will commission as an officer into the U.S. Army Nurse Corps.  She will then attend basic officer training and be assigned to an Army hospital where she hopes to specialize in being an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nurse.  She also has a long term goal of pursing a Doctorate Nurse Practitioner in the future. EWU Army ROTC wishes Cadet Crooks all the best in her future endeavors and congratulate her for receiving this prestigious award.

Cadet Crooks
Cadet Crooks after completing a 12-mile ruck march.

Is Army Nursing for You?

Any EWU student who wants to be a healthcare professional and has an interest in serving their country should consider Army nursing.  If you are not sure if the Army is for you, ROTC is the one way to explore military service with no obligation to join.  Our nursing Cadets complete their first two to three years of Nursing and ROTC pre-requisites on Eastern’s Cheney campus. The nursing Cadets then complete their final two years at the Washington State University (WSU) College of Nursing in downtown Spokane.  The WSU College of Nursing reserves seats in each class for ROTC Nurses that achieve their admissions standards.  To qualify for one of the reserved nursing seats you must make the decision to contract into ROTC by then.

EWU Army ROTC currently has the largest Cadet nursing program in Washington State and the Inland Northwest.  We have a proven track record of our nursing Cadets receiving scholarships and going on to become healthcare professionals in service to our nation.  You can learn more about our nursing program at this link and feel free to contact us at this link with any questions.

Go ROTC!  Go Army Nursing!

Eastern Washington University ROTC Cadet Completes Internship at the National Forensic Science Technology Center

Congratulations to Eastern Washington University (EWU) Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Cadet, Valentino Olmstead for recently completing his summer internship with the at the National Forensic Science Technology Center (NFSTC) located in Largo, Florida on the campus of Florida International University.

Valentino Olmstead holding his certificate of completion for his internship.

During his internship Cadet Olmstead was exposed to the latest cutting edge technology utilized for biometric and forensic identification.  Some of the skills students learn at NFSTC is to examine and develop fingerprints, chemical detection and analysis, media/cellular exploitation, and improvised explosive device (IED) investigations.

Cadet Olmstead was selected for the Forensic Internship Program through a Cadet Command sponsored competitive nomination process that required him to demonstrate academic excellence, physical fitness, and high character.

You can learn more about the internship process at the below link:

The Cadet Command Internship Process

Once again congratulations to Cadet Olmstead for successfully completing this prestigious internship.

Go ROTC!  Go Fighting Eags!

EWU ROTC’s Hosting Of German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge Testing Featured on Multiple Media Outlets

The recent hosting of the German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge (GAFPB) test by the Eastern Washington University (EWU) ROTC program has brought a lot of positive media attention to the Fighting Eagles Battalion.  Below is a list of the articles published about the GAFPB with short excerpts.  Click the links to read the full articles.

U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Jessica Dillow, 92nd Medical Operations Squadron medical technician, performs the marksmanship test during the German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge Competition hosted 17-18 November, 2018 by Eastern Washington University ROTC. (Photo Credit: A1C Lawrence Sena)

  • Eastern Washington University ROTC Hosts First German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge Competition (US Army website)

“The individuals who competed for the GAPFB this weekend, whether they earned a badge or not, are an excellent example of why the United State military is so great,” stated Sergeant First Class Jason Hennig, EWU ROTC’s Senior Military Instructor. “They recognized the opportunity for a unique challenge, they accepted that challenge, and gave it everything they had. Readiness is the Army’s number priority and this event absolutely reinforced that. The Service Members that prepared for these events were rewarded with the opportunity to wear this unique foreign award. For those who did not prepare, they were left with the understanding of how important rehearsals and preparation are to any exercise or training event.”

“Wearing the GAFPB is a symbol of pride,” said U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Ken Chudoba, 92nd Maintenance Squadron Munitions Material section chief. “The badge shows Airmen stepped outside their comfort zone and did something to set themselves apart.”

There were more than 160 participants from 23 different military units throughout the Pacific Northwest region, including Air Force recruiters, Air Force ROTC recruits and four units from Fairchild.

Competing for the GAFPB provides an opportunity to test the physical and mental skills Airmen may use in battlefield situations and provides a first-hand look at how German forces measure their combat readiness, said U.S. Air Force Maj. Joseph Schneider, 92nd Security Forces Squadron commander.

  • ROTC Cadets Compete for Military Proficiency Badge (Eastern 24/7)

“We have cadets who have transferred to Eastern for its ROTC program,” said Capt. Gregory Benjamin, assistant professor of military science. “This event is an opportunity to highlight what the ROTC program brings to the university and what the school does in return.”

  • EWU ROTC Takes Top Spot in Military Badge Competition (The Easterner)

Null competed for the honor to wear the GAFPB along with 167 other members apart of 22 different U.S. military units throughout the West Coast. Other universities that competed included: Gonzaga University, University of Idaho, Washington State University, Seattle University, University of Washington and Central Washington University.

“To me, it means that I’ve come much farther than I ever would’ve had I not been here,” Null said. “It means that I’ve been doing all the right things. I’ve been working to achieve, not just the gold for the GAFPB, but it means I’m likely to get commissioned in the Army and that I’m likely to put myself on the path to a brighter future.”

Airmen from Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington participate in the German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge competition hosted by Eastern Washington University, November 17th and 18th. The competition is an opportunity to reinforce German and American alliances, and allows members of the US Armed Forces to experience how allied forces stay mission ready.

Go GAFPB!  Go Fighting Eagles!

EWU ROTC Supports Football Team’s Quarterfinal Playoff Victory Over UC-Davis

The Eastern Washington University (EWU) Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Cadets were out once again supporting the home football team during its quarterfinal game against University of California-Davis (UC-Davis) today at Roos Field.  The two Big Sky Conference foes had played just a month earlier at Roos Field with Eastern winning by a score of 59-20.  This game would prove to me much different. One of the differences was the weather which was much colder than the last time these two teams met.  Throughout the day the temperatures remained below freezing with a thin layer of frost covering everything around the stadium.  Despite the cold conditions the EWU ROTC Cannon Crew was ready to support the home team with our historic World War II era howitzer:

After a quick first touchdown by EWU the first half began to be controlled by UC-Davis by going up 14-7 before EWU made it a 14-14 tie game capped by an incredible defensive stand at the goal line just before halftime.

Cadet Polello fires the EWU ROTC howitzer after a home team touchdown.  

Cadet Smart fires the EWU ROTC howitzer after a home team touchdown. 

In the second half the sun went down making the temperatures even colder.  However, our Cannon Crew was ready with a small fire to keep warm around:

The more the temperatures dropped though the more the game seemed heat up as Eastern and UC-Davis traded touchdowns.

Cadet Beier fires the historic EWU ROTC howitzer after a second half touchdown. 

After UC-Davis went up by a score of 29-28 after a successful two point conversion with 1:13 left in the fourth quarter, prospects for the home team were not looking good.  However, the resilient Eagles football team fought back to score a touchdown to win the game with :26 seconds left on the clock by a score of 34-29.

Cadet Beier fires the historic EWU ROTC howitzer after the final home team touchdown to win the game. 

Congratulations to the EWU football team for an incredible win.  The football team will be in action next weekend in the FCS Semifinals against the University of Maine.  Since EWU is the higher ranked seed in the playoffs, they will host the playoff game at Roos Field in what will be the first ever meeting between the two teams.  The EWU Color Guard and Cannon Crew teams will both be at the game supporting the football team.  We look forward to welcoming Maine to Roos Field with the sound of our howitzer.

Go Cannon Crew! Go Fighting Eags!

Eastern Washington University ROTC Hosts the 2018 German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge Test

Between 17-18 November 2018, Eastern Washington University (EWU) hosted its first ever German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge (GAFPB) test.  The test was sponsored by the EWU Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), Fighting Eagles Battalion and drew 167 participants to the university to attempt to earn the highly coveted GAFPB.  The participants were mix of ROTC Cadets, active duty personnel, National Guardsmen, and Reservists from across the states of Washington and Idaho.  Testing for the GAFPB actually began at each unit’s home station where each participant had to successfully complete first aid and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, & Nuclear (CBRN) testing.  The participants that successfully past these events then traveled to EWU campus to complete the remaining evaluated events.

In the early morning hours, GAFPB participants gather in front of Cadet Hall on the campus of Eastern Washington University.

The lead evaluator for the GAFPB test was Sergeant Major Ronald Schiller a German Army exchange officer stationed at Ft. Lee, Virginia.  With sponsorship from the EWU ROTC alumni, Sergeant Major Schiller and his wife Katie were able to come Cheney to oversee the event.

EWU ROTC Assistant Professor of Military Science Greg Benjamin and German Sergeant Major Ronald Schiller address the participants before the start of the GAFPB testing.

The 100-Meter Swim Test

After an early morning event registration period, the participants began the GAFPB competition with the 100-meter swim test in full uniform.  The swim test was held in the EWU Aquatics Center and supported by register lifeguards.  The 100-meter swim test had to be completed in 4 minutes.  After completing the swim the participants then had to tread water and remove their uniform and throw it completely out of the pool.  If they lost control of their uniform and it dropped to the bottom of the pool they were disqualified.  The swim test proved to be the most difficult event of the GAFPB testing since it eliminated the most participants.

The EWU Aquatics Center (picture from SGT Timothy Bowes)

GAFPB participants receive briefing before conducting the swim test in the EWU Aquatics Center.

GAFPB testing participants are ready to start the swim test.

GAFPB testing participants conduct the 100-meter swim test.

EWU ROTC Cadets Jameson Palmer (top) and Samantha (bottom) tread water as they remove their uniform.

EWU ROTC Cadet John Howard treads water as he removes his uniform.

EWU ROTC Cadet Thomas Luce treads water as he removes his uniform. 

Airmen from Fairchild AFB compete in the 100-meter swim test. 

The Basic Fitness Test

Following the swim test the participants then changed their clothes to execute the basic fitness test portion of the GAFPB test.  The basic fitness test was held in the EWU Fieldhouse which is an indoor multiuse facility with its own indoor track.  For the fitness portion of the test, each participant had to pass three events, a shuttle sprint, flexed arm hang, and 1000-meter run.  The times received for each event were averaged to determine if the participant passed.  Additionally different overall scores determined if the participant would receive a Gold, Silver, or Bronze GAFPB.

The EWU Fieldhouse (Picture from SGT Timothy Bowes).

Cadet Scott Hinshaw the lead Cadet Officer in Charge (OIC) of GAFPB testing mans the master scorer’s desk located inside the EWU Fieldhouse. 

Cadets Scott Hinshaw and Tyler Bergman work the master scorer’s desk that provided up to the minute updates on scoring to each participant.

The 11×10 Meter Shuttle Sprint

The first event of the basic fitness test was the 11×10 meter shuttle sprint.  For the shuttle sprint each participant had to begin on the ground on a mat, get up and then sprint around a cone before sprinting back to the mat.  Once back at the mat they had to drop to the ground again with their arms behind their back and then get back up and sprint around the cone.  The event was complete after the participant passed the cone for the sixth time.

Sergeant Major Schiller briefs the participants on the shuttle sprint event inside the EWU Fieldhouse. 

Shuttle sprint participants begin facing down on the mats.

Participants conduct the 11×10 meter shuttle sprint in the EWU Fieldhouse.

Airmen and Soldiers conduct the 11×10 meter shuttle sprint.

The Flexed Army Hang Event

After a five minute rest period, the participants then had to conduct the flexed arm hang.  The participants had to keep their chin above the pull up bar for as long as possible.  If their chin touched or went below the bar the time stopped.  The longer a participant held their chin above the bar, the more points they received.

SGM Schiller (left) briefs the evaluators for the flexed arm hang event.  From left: Cadet Bryce Stanton, 2nd Lieutenant Rebecca Trout, and Major Michael Peterson.

From left, EWU ROTC Cadets Thomas Luce, Amayia Roberts, and Megan Anderson conduct the flexed arm hang event.

A Sailor and Cadets conduct the flexed arm hang event.

EWU ROTC Cadet Nicholas Null conducts the flexed arm hang event.

EWU ROTC Cadet Adam Burnside conducts the flexed arm hang event.

Cadet Liam Hewey conducts the flexed arm hang event.

The 1,000-Meter Run

After completing the flexed arm hang event, the participants next conducted a 1,000-meter run.  For the 1,000-meter run eight participants at a time had to run 5-laps around the Fieldhouse’s indoor track.  The evaluators provided by the EWU ROTC battalion track the number of laps and recorded the time for the participants.

Cadets Megan Anderson (left) and Cheyenne Sweet (right) briefs sailors, soldiers, and Cadets on the standards for the 1,000-meter run event. 

Cadet Megan Anderson briefs Soldiers and Airmen on the standards for the 1,000-meter run.

EWU ROTC Cadet Cheyenne Sweet evaluates participants as they conduct the 1,000-Meter Run event.

EWU Cadre member Captain Nicholas Carbaugh conducts the 1,000-Meter Run.

US Navy Sailor, PO3 Travis Rathe conducts the 1,000-Meter Run.

Pistol Qualification

After the completion of the basic fitness test the participants once again changed clothes into their duty uniforms to conduct the pistol qualification event.  The pistol qualification event was conducted at the Medical Lake Department of Corrections Range.  For the pistol qualification the participants had to successfully engage three targets located 20-meters away with five rounds loaded in the M9 pistol.  Three hits on the three targets was a Bronze score, four hits on the three targets was a Silver score, and 5 hits on the three targets was a Gold score.  After the completion of the pistol qualification event each participant was released for a mandatory rest period to prepare for the ruck march scheduled for the next morning.

The Medical Lake Department of Corrections Range (Photo by SGT Timothy Bowes).

Participants inspect their targets at the pistol qualification range (Photo by SGT Timothy Bowes).

Ruck March

In the early morning hours the GAFPB participants staying in the EWU Cadet Hall had an early wakeup call to prepare for the ruck march that morning.   For the ruck march event each participant had to carry 35 pounds of weight at different distances based on their performance the previous day.  For the participants still in the running for a Gold badge they had to march 12 kilometers (7.46 miles) in 120 minutes or less.  The participants in the running for the Silver badge had to march 9 kilometers (5.6 miles) in 90 minutes or less.  The participants still in the running for the Bronze badge had to march 6 kilometers in (3.75 miles) in 60 minutes or less.  The ruck march course took the participants on a tour around the beautiful EWU campus.

Participants prepare their gear in below freezing temperatures in the early morning hours in front of Cadet Hall.

EWU ROTC Cadet Matthew Jeffs ruck marches by one of the entrance signs to Eastern Washington University.

Washington Army National Guard recruiter Timothy Bowes ruck marches along side EWU ROTC Cadet Liam Hewey around the EWU campus.

A soldier from 4-23 Infantry from Joint Base Lewis-McChord ruck marches around the EWU campus with his unit’s guide on.

A group that included two Navy Sailors, an airmen, and two EWU ROTC Cadets ruck march around the EWU campus.

Airmen from the 92nd Security Forces Squadron at Fairchild Air Force Base participated in the GAFPB testing to include the Squadron Commander Major Joseph Schneider pictured on the right. 

Gonzaga University Cadets participate in the ruck march event. 

EWU ROTC Cadet Ryan Smith gives two thumbs up during the ruck march around the EWU campus.

EWU ROTC Cadets Kylie Crooks and Matthew Jeffs are all smiles during the ruck march around the EWU campus.

GAFPB participants ruck around the EWU campus.

GAFPB participants ruck around the EWU campus.

EWU ROTC Cadets Austin Bristow, Ethan Smart, and Austin Pfennig participate in the ruck march event.

Award Ceremony

After the completion of the ruck march event the participants next attended the award ceremony to recognize those that had met the standard to be awarded a GAFPB.  The award ceremony was held in the EWU Fieldhouse where friends, family, and alumni were all there to support the participants.  In total 94 participants out of the initial 167 received a GAFPB.  35x Gold, 54x Silver, and 5x Bronze GAFPBs were awarded.

The German Armed Forces Proficiency Badges (GAFPB) are on the table ready to be awarded.

The EWU ROTC historic World War II Jeep named “Lil Eag” was on display for the award ceremony.

GAFPB awardees stand in formation in the EWU Fieldhouse.

Before awarding the GAFPB’s, Sergeant Major Schiller provided some motivational comments to all the participants and thanked the EWU alumni for sponsoring the event.

SGM Ronald Schiller addresses the crowd and GAFPB participants at the EWU Fieldhouse.

Sergeant Major Schiller addresses the crowd while backdropped by a HMMWV provided by the Washington Army National Guard for the award ceremony.

EWU ROTC Class of 1967 graduate, Lieutenant Colonel (R) Jerry Mellick (left) takes a picture with German Sergeant Major Ronald Schiller.  Mr. Mellick representing the EWU alumni who helped sponsor the GAFPB testing also addressed the participants to let them know how impressed he was by everyone’s motivation and what they had accomplished.

SFC Eddie Quimby (far right) a US Army Recruiter responsible for the Cheney area assisted EWU ROTC by serving as a GAFPB evaluator.  SFC Quimby poses with EWU ROTC Cadets (from left) Kylie Crooks, Ryan Smith, Collin Galbreath, and Samantha Knight.

2018 German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge Awardees

CDT Thomas LuceEWUCDT Tyler BristowEWUCDT Libby GloverEWU
CDT Jameson PalmerEWUCDT Evan JonesEWUSGT Joshua HedbergSARC Office
CDT Nicholas NullEWUCDT Adam BurnsideEWUSN Mitchell StattonNavy
CDT Cesar GuzmanEWUCDT John HowardEWUA1C Danielle Petika92nd Medical Group
CDT Devantae HallEWUCDT Ethan SmartEWUSSG Justin CartwrightA/341st
CDT Haley BentEWUCDT Samantha KnightEWU
CDT Kylie CrooksEWUCDT Ryan SmithEWU
CDT Chad TriplettEWUCDT Joseph JordanEWU
CDT Jack BowenUniv. of WACDT Liam HeweyEWU
CDT Robert MitchellUniv. of WACDT Matthew JeffsEWU
2LT Vanessa MunroUniv. of WACDT Tyler RoylanceEWU
CDT Taylor PolsonUniv. of WACDT Kaylie WattersEWU
CDT Ian ZippUniv. of WACDT Carly GarlandEWU
PO3 Travis RatheNavyCDT Austin PfennigEWU
2LT John CoreyUniv. of IdahoCPT Nicholas CarbaughEWU
CDT Joshua LyonsUniv. of IdahoCDT Collin GalbreathEWU
CDT Jacob SkeltonUniv. of IdahoCDT Everett KuhnelEWU
SSG Gregory Hanshaw1041st Trans. Co.SGT Timothy BowesWA National Guard
SGT Justin Andrusak4-23 INSSG Joseph SleykoSARC Office
PFC Sawyer Hein4-23 INSSG Robert HauserSARC Office
CDT Gabrielle PowersWSUCDT Samuel HafflyUniv. of WA
SPC Jerod Rubalcava1-161 INCDT Graham HarperUniv. of WA
SSG James MartinC-112CDT Madeline MusardUniv. of WA
Maj Joseph Schneider92nd SF SquadronCDT Abigail CarterUniv. of Seattle
SrA Joseph Pace92nd SF SquadronCDT Austin GrosecloseUniv. of Seattle
Amn Bruin Dew92nd SF SquadronCDT Christina JohnsonUniv. of Seattle
CDT Chad BarkerGonzagaCDT James EvansUniv. of Idaho
CDT Lindsey EversGonzagaMSgt Joseph Nash92nd Maint. Squadron
CDT Grady GosselinGonzagaTSgt Kenneth Chudoba92nd Maint. Squadron
CDT James JolliffeGonzagaSSgt Brandon DeVera92nd Maint. Squadron
CDT Sean LericheGonzagaSSgt Christopher Munro92nd Maint. Squadron
CDT Alexander MurrayGonzagaA1C Sterling Fiske92nd Maint. Squadron
CDT Evan PowellGonzagaA1C Calvin Magcalas92nd Maint. Squadron
CDT Benjamin WuthritchGonzagaLTC Michael McCarthy92nd Medical Group
CDT Madison WoodworthCWUA1C Tyler Corter92nd Medical Group
SPC Jordan Overman4-23 IN
PFC Ryan Hamilton4-23 IN
PFC Jared Kyger4-23 IN
PFC Austin Jones4-23 IN
SGT Stanley Hutchinson4-23 IN
SSG Evan Hebenstreit4-23 IN
PV2 Alex Toepfer4-23 IN
CDT Tevita FeiloakitauWSU
CDT Rikul PatelWSU
SGT Justin Hiatt1-161 IN
SPC Zachary MaierC-112
SSG Nathan SnyderWA NG Honor Guard
SPC Zachary BergWA NG Honor Guard
SGT Zachary FlynnWA NG Honor Guard
CDT Bryson Barian-GarciaGonzaga
CDT Zion KirkGonzaga
CDT Mike SodervickGonzaga
CPT Jason BaggotGonzaga
CDT Kai CoveyCWU

Unit and Individual Statistics

The top overall unit from the GAFPB testing was the Eastern Washington University Fighting Eagles Battalion which was awarded 26x total GAFPBs.

25x EWU ROTC Fighting Eagles Battalion Cadets and 1x Cadre member take a group picture wearing their well deserved German Armed Forces Proficiency Badges.

The Top 5 units overall were:

  1. EWU with 26x GAFPBs (8x Gold, 17x Silver, 1x Bronze)
  2. Gonzaga Univ. with 12x GAFPBs (8x Gold, 4 Silver)
  3. 4-23 IN (JBLM) with 9x GAFPBs (2x Gold, 7x Silver)
  4. Univ. of Wash. with 8x GAFPBs (5x Gold, 3x Silver)
  5. Maint. Squadron (Fairchild AFB) with 8x GAFPBs (8x Silver)

Top Individual Basic Fitness Test Scores

10 x 11 Meter Sprint (Male)

  • 1.  CDT Kai Covey (CWU) – 36 seconds
  • 2.  (tie) CDT Cesar Guzman (EWU) – 38 seconds
  • 2.  (tie) CDT Robert Mitchell (UW) – 38 seconds
  • 2.  (tie) CDT Ian Zipp (UW) – 38 seconds
  • 2. (tie) PO3 Travis Rathe (Navy) – 38 seconds
  • 2. (tie) CDT Jacob Skelton (Idaho) – 38 seconds

10 x 11 Meter Sprint (Female)

CDT Carley Garland

  • 1. (tie) CDT Carly Garland (EWU) – 41 seconds
  • 1. (tie) CDT Lindsey Evers (Gonzaga) – 41 seconds
  • 3. CDT Madison Woodworth (CWU) – 43 seconds
  • 5. (tie) CDT Haley Bent (EWU) – 44 seconds
  • 5. (tie) CDT Kylie Crooks (EWU) – 44 seconds
  • 5. (tie) CDT Libby Glover (EWU) – 44 seconds

Flexed Arm Hang (Male)

SPC Jerod Rubalcava

  • 1. SPC Jerod Rubalcava (1-161 MI) – 111 seconds
  • 2. CDT Chad Triplett (EWU) – 101 seconds
  • 3. SSG James Martin (C-112) – 97 seconds
  • 4. PFC Sawyer Hein (4-23 IN) – 89 seconds
  • 5. 2LT John Corey (Idaho) – 88 seconds

Flexed Army Hang (Female)

CDT Lindsey Evers

  • 1. CDT Lindsey Evers (Gonzaga) – 74 seconds
  • 2. CDT Carley Garland (EWU) – 67 seconds
  • 3. CDT Kylie Crooks (EWU) – 57 seconds
  • 4. (tie) CDT Haley Bent (EWU) – 54 seconds
  • 4. (tie) 2LT Vanessa Munro (UW) – 54 seconds
  • 5. (tie) CDT Libby Glover (EWU) – 53 seconds
  • 5. (tie) CDT Gabrielle Powers (WSU) – 53 seconds

1,000 Meter Run (Male)

CDT Jacob Skelton

  • 1. CDT Jacob Skelton (Idaho) – 189 seconds
  • 2. CDT Joshua Lyon (Idaho) – 199 seconds
  • 3. (tie) SPC Jerod Rubalcava (1-161 IN) – 200 seconds
  • 3. (tie) CDT Jack Bowen (UW) – 200 seconds
  • 5. PO3 Travis Rathe (Navy) – 207 seconds

1,000 Meter Run (Female)

CDT Lindsey Evers

  • 1. CDT Lindsey Evers (Gonzaga) – 231 seconds
  • 2. CDT Carley Garland (EWU) – 234 seconds
  • 3. 2LT Vanessa Munro (UW) – 247 seconds
  • 4. CDT Madison Woodworth (CWU) – 248 seconds
  • 5. CDT Gabrielle Powers (WSU) – 254 seconds

Basic Fitness Test Overall Score (Male)

SPC Jerod Rubalcava

  • 1. SPC Jerod Rubalcava (1-161 IN) – 499 points
  • 2. CDT Chad Triplett (EWU) – 470.3 points
  • 3. CDT Ian Zipp (UW) – 455.3 points
  • 4. Robert Mitchell (UW) – 448.3 points
  • 5. CDT Grady Gosselin (Gonzaga) – 447.7 points

Basic Fitness Test Overall Score (Female)

CDT Lindsey Evers

  • 1. CDT Lindsey Evers (Gonzaga) – 504.4
  • 2. CDT Carley Garland (EWU) – 486.1
  • 3. CDT Madison Woodworth (CWU) – 429.7
  • 4. 2LT Vanessa Munro (UW) – 423.6
  • 5. CDT Gabrielle Powers (WSU) – 416.3


Congratulations to everyone that was awarded a German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge.  We hope everyone had a great time visiting the EWU campus and spending the weekend in the Spokane area.  The EWU ROTC Fighting Eagles Battalion plans to host the GAFPB test again next year in November 2019.  For those that didn’t pass or want to earn a Gold badge there will be an opportunity to do so next year.  Likewise personnel who have not attended the GAFPB test before are encouraged to do so.  Better yet try and beat the best individual scores from this year.

To conclude I want to give special thanks to everyone who made the 2018 GAFPB testing such a success.  Planning was led by the EWU ROTC Assistant PMS Captain Gregory Benjamin and assisted by the EWU ROTC Senior Military Science Instructor Sergeant First Class Jason Hennig.  Cadet planning for the GAFPB test was led by Cadet Scott Hinshaw and Megan Anderson.  We also appreciate all the support from the Washington Army National Guard and the US Army Recruiting command station in Cheney for the GAFPB testing.  Another thank you goes to all of our evaluators who worked with SGM Schiller to assure everyone was graded fairly.  Further thanks goes to our alumni in particular Mr. Jerry Mellick for helping to sponsor this great event.  Finally we want to thank Sergeant Major Ronald Schiller and his wife Katie for flying out to Eastern Washington University to oversee and be the lead evaluator for the GAFPB testing.  The extreme amount of professionalism by everyone involved made the GAFPB testing a great success.

Go GAFPB! Go ROTC! Go Fighting Eags!

Award Ceremony Photos

Below are photos from the award ceremony held in the EWU Fieldhouse.  Feel free to download and share all these photos with your friends and family.

Gold GAFPB Awardees:

Silver GAFPB Awardees:

Bronze GAFPB Awardees:

25x EWU ROTC Fighting Eagles Battalion Cadets and 1x Cadre member take a group picture wearing their well deserved German Armed Forces Proficiency Badges. 

EWU ROTC Finishes First in Four Events at the 2018 Ranger Challenge Competition

Ranger Challenge

From October 19-20, 2018 Cadets from the Eastern Washington University (EWU) Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program competed in the regional Ranger Challenge competition held at Ft. Harrison located just outside of Helena, Montana.

[googlemaps https://www.google.com/maps/embed?pb=!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d102287.83409262303!2d-112.1484763426828!3d46.63186665512277!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x535caca943954845%3A0xc72a6218e44e6bbe!2sFort+Harrison+Army+Air+Field!5e1!3m2!1sen!2sus!4v1540747883745&w=600&h=450]

The regional competition featured 11 ROTC teams from the states of Montana, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, and California.  Each team was composed of the 10 top Cadets from each program.

The members of the 2018 EWU ROTC Ranger challenge team included:

  • Carly Garland – MS V
  • Scott Hinshaw – MS IV
  • John Howard – MS IV
  • Bryce Stanton – MS IV
  • Kyle Stanton – MS IV
  • Christian Goldbach – MS III
  • Coy Odiorne – MS III (Team Captain)
  • Jameson Palmer – MS III
  • Cheyenne Sweet – MS III
  • Chad Triplett – MS III

This year’s Ranger Challenge featured 11 complex and physically challenging events such as rock climbing walls, obstacles courses, night time land navigation, and stress shoots.  The EWU ROTC team placed 1st in four of the events.  The first event they placed first in was the Tactical Combat Casualty Carry.  This event had the Cadets move tactically and search for the entrance to a tunnel complex.

Cadets tactically move across an open area at Ft. Harrison, Montana.

Once the team found the tunnel entrance they then had to tactically move through the tunnel:

EWU Ranger Challenge team tactically enters the tunnel complex.

After entering the tunnel the team had to then bear crawl for about a quarter mile through the tunnel complex until they found a house.  Inside the three story house they had to locate a casualty, then correctly treat the casualty’s wounds, and then transport the casualty on a stretcher back through the tunnel complex.

EWU Cadets begin to transport a dummy casualty through a tunnel complex.

After exiting the tunnel the Cadets then had to correctly radio in a medical evacuation to complete the event.  Since the EWU Cadets correctly completed all steps and extracted the casualty within the determined time to save its life, the the team was awarded the top score for the event.

EWU Ranger Challenge team takes a break after completing the Tactical Combat Casualty Carry Event.

The next event the team finished first in was the M-16 Alt-C stress shoot.

EWU Cadet Scott Hinshaw fires around an obstacle on the M-16 range. 

The Cadets rotated personnel going to fire on the range while the rest of the team pulled a 200 pound sled through dirt and sand.

EWU Cadets pull a 200 pound sled during the 2018 Ranger Challenge competition.

Every target they hit and every lap they completed with the sled was worth points in the event.  The EWU team completed the most laps with the sled and ultimately had the top score for the event giving them their second win of the competition.

EWU Cadets Bryce Stanton (left), Christian Goldbach (center), John Howard (right) dig deep as they lead the pulling of a 200 pound sled during the 2018 Ranger Challenge Competition.

The next event the EWU team finished first in was the Call for Fire event.  During this event the Cadets had to spot with binoculars enemy targets and then accurately call in artillery fire.  During the event the Cadets were able to accurately complete all steps and engage all targets with artillery.

EWU Cadets use a terrain model to help them plot enemy targets during the Call for Fire event. 

The fourth event that the Cadets finished first in was the React to Contact event.  During this event the Cadets had to tactically move across open terrain.

EWU ROTC Ranger Challenge team moves across open terrain.

During the movement the Cadets were ambushed by machine gun nests and bunkers firing blank rounds at them.  The Cadets had to engage the targets with blanks and then accurately throw grenades to destroy them.  The Cadets then moved through a mock village and were engaged once again by direct fire.

EWU Cadets Kyle Stanton (left) and Carly Garland (right) clear a house during the React to Contact event. 

The Cadets had to tactically move through the village to engage the bunkers with grenades.

Cadets Carly Garland (left) and Kyle Stanton (right) crawl up a hill and through concertina wire to flank an enemy bunker. 

The team received points for how well they conducted tactical movements and accurately engaged the bunkers with grenades.  The EWU team ultimately received the top score for the event.

Cadet Kyle Stanton assaults an enemy machine gun bunker. 

Other events during the 2018 Ranger Challenge included a 9mm pistol shoot, an obstacle course, rafting event, rock climbing wall, weapons assembly/disassembly, M-16 buddy team shoot, and land navigation.  The host of this year’s Ranger Challenge, the University of Montana ultimately won 1st place in the competition, but the Eastern Washington University ROTC program’s strong showing gained the respect of the other programs that attended the 2018 Ranger Challenge.

EWU ROTC 2018 Ranger Challenge team pose for a picture after completing the final ruck march of the competition.  The team road marched approximately 27 miles during the two-day competition.

All the EWU Cadre is extremely proud of our team and especially of our 5 very dedicated seniors who participated in their last Ranger Challenge competition.  They have laid a strong foundation for future EWU ROTC Ranger Challenge teams.  The tryouts for the next Ranger Challenge team will begin in Spring Quarter 2019.

Go Ranger Challenge!  Go Fighting Eagles!

More pictures from the 2018 Ranger Challenge competition can be seen below or on our Flickr site.

EWU ROTC van stops for gas on its way to Helena, Montana.

EWU ROTC team members get their gear ready for the Ranger Challenge competition outside their barracks at Ft. Harrison, Montana.

EWU Ranger Challenge team members wait in line to fire at the rifle range. 

EWU ROTC Cadets zero their M-16 rifles in preparation for the next day’s events.

Cadet Carly Garland engages targets on the 9mm pistol range. 

Cadet John Howard is inspected before the rock climbing wall event. 

Cadet Christian Goldbach scales the climbing wall. 

Cadet Jameson Palmer rappels down the climbing wall. 

EWU Cadets John Howard (left), Christian Goldbach (center), Jameson Palmer (standing), Kyle Stanton (right), and Carly Garland (foreground) prepare for the M-16 buddy shoot range. 

EWU Cadet engages a target on the M-16 buddy shoot range. 

Cadet Coy Odiorne, the EWU ROTC Ranger Challenge team captain, engages targets on the M-16 range.

While other Cadets were engaging targets on the buddy shoot range, the rest of the Cadets had to move sandbags for additional points. 

Cadets John Howard (left) and Cheyenne Sweet (right) move sandbags during the M-16 buddy shoot range. 

Cadet John Howard pulls security on the React to Contact event. 

EWU ROTC 2018 Ranger Challenge team takes a break as they wait to board a CH-47 Chinook helicopter. 

EWU ROTC Cadets ready to board CH-47 Chinook helicopter. 

CH-47 Chinook helicopter takes EWU ROTC Cadets to the night land navigation site. 

EWU ROTC Cadets plot land navigation points. 

EWU Cadets scale a cargo net with 50 pound duffel bags during the obstacle course event. 

EWU ROTC Cadets scale Jacob’s Ladder with 50 pound duffel bags during the obstacle course event. 

EWU Cadets complete a rope obstacle during the obstacle course event. 

EWU Cadets high step over an obstacle. 

EWU ROTC Cadets crawl under a wire obstacle. 

Cadet Kyle Stanton back crawls under a wire obstacle. 

EWU Cadets work their way through the weave obstacle. 

EWU Cadets march to their next event.

EWU ROTC Cadets receive instructions before competing in the Grinder Event. From left: John Howard, Kyle Stanton, Bryce Stanton, Carly Garland, Chad Triplett, Scott Hinshaw, Coy Odiorne, and Cheyenne Sweet.

During the Grinder event the Cadets had to pull a 210 pound dummy on a stretcher up a steep hill while wearing gas masks. 

EWU ROTC Cadets pull sled with a 210 pound dummy on it to the summit of the hill during the Grinder event.

Dog tags of former ROTC Cadets killed in action from all the regional ROTC programs that was placed on top of the hill at the end of the Grinder event. 

Dog tag of EWU alumni Medal of Honor Recipient Bruce A. Grandstaff who was killed in action in Vietnam on May 18, 1967. 

The view looking down at Ft. Harrison, Montana from the top of the Grinder event.

EWU Ranger Challenge team captain, Coy Odiorne discusses strategy with the other team members. 

EWU Cadets receive briefing before competing in the paddling event.  

EWU Cadets paddle across a lake in Helena, Montana. 

EWU Cadets take a break after completing the paddling event.  

Cadet Jameson Palmer participates in the weapon assembly/disassembly event. 

Cadet Kyle Stanton disassembles a M9 pistol.

Cadet Chad Triplett assembles a M-249 machine gun. 

EWU Ranger Challenge team excited about their performance during the 2018 Ranger Challenge competition.

2018 EWU Ranger Challenge team pictured at Ft. Harrison, Montana.  Back Row from left: Bryce Stanton, John Howard, Kyle Stanton, Jameson Palmer, & Cheyenne Sweet.  Front Row from left: Coy Odiorne, Chad Triplett, Christian Goldbach, Scott Hinshaw, & Carly Garland.