EWU McNair Scholar Kelly Parke Accepted to Columbia University’s Master of Human Rights Studies

Congratulations to McNair Scholar Kelly Parke, who’s been accepted to Columbia University’s Master of Human Rights Studies! Their Institute for the Study of Human Rights (ISHR) was “the first academic center in the world to be founded on an interdisciplinary commitment to the study of human rights”. Columbia’s Human Rights Studies Program: […]is an interdisciplinary program … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Alejandro Torres-Gonzalez Accepted to Eastern Washington University Master of Science in Biology

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Alejandro Torres-Gonzalez! Alejandro has been accepted to Eastern Washington University’s Master of Science in Biology with funding. Eastern Washington University’s MS in Biology embeds teaching experience into the curriculum, and culminates in an oral thesis defense. Describing their program, the MS in Biology faculty explain: The department emphasizes research as a … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Mary Belton Accepted to San Diego State University Master of Arts Degree in English

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Mary Belton! Mary has been accepted to San Diego State University’s Master of Arts Degree in English. San Diego State University notes this program: […]offers a wide range of courses and approaches to studying literature and writing. Faculty publications are similarly diverse. They include major literary biographies, historical studies, critical analysis … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Kelly Parke Accepted to University of Illinois-Chicago PhD in Disability Studies

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Kelly Parke who’s been accepted into the University of Illinois Chicago’s interdisciplinary PhD in Disability Studies! From University of Illinois Chicago’s Program Page: Disability studies scholars view disability not simply as a defect inside a person, but as a complex relationship between society and people who function differently from the norm. … Read more

McNair Scholar Sylvia Kennerly Accepted to University of Kansas Medical Center Interdisciplinary Graduate Program PhD in Biomedical Sciences

Congratulations to McNair Scholar Sylvia Kennerly, who has been accepted to the University of Kansas Medical Center Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences (IGPBS), with full funding. IGPBS is a PhD first-year program allowing students to complete core curriculum before determining their PhD program through faculty mentor alignment. IGPBS’ interdisciplinary nature is clearly demonstrated by eclectic … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Terreca DeFehr Accepted to Eastern Washington University’s Master of Social Work Program

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Terreca DeFehr! Terreca has been accepted to Eastern Washington University’s Master of Social Work (MSW) Program. Eastern’s MSW program highlights social, environmental, and economic justice while preparing graduates for diverse location and practice settings, allowing customization for each individual’s career path. Eastern Washington University’s MSW Program states: Special attention is given … Read more