Budget Services
Budget Services plans and oversees the activities of the biennial and interim budget cycles for internal, external, and capital planning. It facilitates the process of translating the university’s academic and administrative plans into budgets utilized for state funding requests, internal allocations and utilization, and execution of the university’s strategic goals and objectives.
Working with the university community, Budget Services assesses and monitors fiscal performance in accordance with approved budget plans for all campus units. In addition, Budget Services plays a key role in performing accurate, comprehensive and timely revenue and expense analysis used for informed executive decision-making, and internal and external reporting. Budget Services is also responsible for position management, support and training of unit budget managers, and the maintenance of budget schedules and process tools.
New Information!
Budget Model Redesign Project
In response to the University’s changing economic and business models, EWU has engaged Moss Adams to assist the university in developing an efficient and effective budget model to help optimize resource allocation. Visit the budget model redesign page to learn more about this project.
Visit the Budget Model Redesign Website now!
Additional Resources
The Vision of Budget Services is to provide the highest level of quality and support for preparation, implementation and control of Eastern’s strategic planning and budgeting process.
The Mission of Budget Services is to provide the planning, budgeting, and monitoring structure needed for achievement of Eastern Washington University’s goals of student success, innovation, community engagement and visibility.
The Budget Services team is dedicated to the following key values:
Excellent people – We employ talented, professional and motivated staff for our team. We continually search for ways to improve our processes and be the “best of the best.” We are committed to accomplishing our goals with a positive attitude, the highest integrity and a dedication to continuous improvement.
Commitment to quality – We believe learning is a life-long activity for all. We provide support for staff development and exploration of new techniques on a continual basis. We have a reputation for providing the highest quality of information and customer service. We provide timely, accurate and appropriate data. We offer professional, reliable and objective results.
Innovation – We model efficiency for other units and willingly help them learn from our expertise. Our work environment encourages questions, suggestions and creative thinking. We strive to be role models by embracing the best practices offered by new technology and the ideas of others. We are willing to invest the necessary time and financial resources in the short-term to achieve long-term technology-based efficiencies.
Collaboration – We believe we can accomplish significantly more as a group than as individuals. Superior solutions and continuous improvement are consistently generated by incorporating ideas from all team members. We believe in the value of teaching and sharing information with each other and those outside our office. We are proud to be an essential part of the larger Eastern Washington University team.
Budget Services
310 Showalter Hall