Honor Flight

Student Contributor -K. LeMaster
Honor flight is a non-profit national organization created to honor America’s veterans. Honor Flight allows our heroes to visit Washington D.C to see and reflect on the war memorials. Priority is given to those World War II survivors and those veterans that are terminally ill. Currently there are 27,272 veterans on the waiting list to be able to visit these memorials.

Honor Flight make it possible for each veteran to travel completely free of charge. Each day 640 WWII veterans pass away. With donations to Honor Flight dreams are made a reality for those veterans who deserve to be honored and recognized before their time is up. Students have an opportunity to learn the true impact our veterans had on us and the impact we can have on them, with just a few donations students can watch as they reach donation goals and send a veteran to the memorials.

A fun and creative way to get involved with this organization is to have students paint bricks to look like American flags and then have students sell them. The money earned from the bricks is then donated to Honor flight and students can see how many Veterans get to visit the memorials because of their donations. Our classroom had bricks donated to us by Lowes. After donations students can also write thank you letters to whoever donated the bricks and tell them what we did with their donation.

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