Habitat for Humanity

Student Contributor -P. Duncanson
Habitat for Humanity’s vision and mission is, “A world where everyone has a decent place to live. While seeking to put God’s love into action.” This organization is about making sure that families in need are able to own an affordable house. The catch is that they are required to help build their home along with putting in a set amount of hours into other people’s homes, as well. This organization chose to help with housing for people in need because with the rising cost of housing they see how many families struggle to keep a adequate roof over their heads and wanted to be a positive change to those in need.

This organization makes a difference by not just creating a structure for people to live in, but a home. A home that the family had to help build. A home that the family invested more than just their money in. A home that the family now gets to create memories in. If teachers chose to partner with Habitat for Humanity they get to watch their students help benefit the community. The teachers get to see their students implementing not only subjects taught in school but see the humanity of their students, which is not a direct subject that teachers can teach in school. Partnering with Habitat for Humanity isn’t just about building houses it is about showing your student more about what life is all about: humanity.

When I volunteered with Habitat for Humanity, I got to see the influence it had on the community. I got to meet the family of the family we were helping build, I got to see the impact of how it helped the employment of local businesses, and I got to see the final product. The feeling of helping and contributing to something that will change someone’s life was an amazing feeling. I think that this is beneficial for both students and teachers because you get to help the community, and can easily be tied into if housing is a want or a need. The more volunteers that Habitat can get the quicker families can get moved into their homes: which is where teachers and their students could come in and volunteer.

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