$1 Scholastic Reading Club

Student Contributor -A. Anderson
When donating through the Scholastic Reading club flyer, there’s an option to make a $1 donation to Book Trust. Book Trust empowers 50,000 kids from low-income families to choose and buy their own books throughout each school year. A dollar doesn’t sound like much, but combined together a dollar can create a larger amount of money that can help a child get the opportunity to enjoy the gift of reading.

Book Trust has helped children choose and own more than 6 million books and has grown from serving 170 students in Colorado to serving more than 50,000 students in 19 states. It’s also invested $13 million in books for kids in need. With these numbers, it’s also put a demand for the program- meaning that there’s over 600 schools from nearly every US state awaiting the program as soon as the funds are available. Since most schools implement scholastic, teachers should consider partnering with them and encouraging parents, staff, and community to partner with Book Trust to not only benefit their own educational community, but the other 600 schools from other states as well.

Since this organization is calling for just one dollar to benefit students across the country, it’s very possible for teachers and students to donate and give the opportunity to other students to own and read books. Students could donate their own dollar and feel like they contributed because the donation is very much in a doable range. Having teachers send flyers home to parents would raise more attention and awareness of this incredible organization. Since some parents buy from scholastic anyways, knowing they can go straight to the website and put in their donation is easy and convenient for them.

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