EWU Scholar Claudio Escalante Accepted to University of Nebraska PhD in Biomedical Engineering

Congrats to Claudio Escalante

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Claudio Escalante! Claudio has been accepted to University of Nebraska’s PhD program in Biomedical Engineering. University of Nebraska designed their program to be interdisciplinary, including student research design and collaboration.  From their Biomedical Engineering overview: Nebraska biomedical engineering faculty and students work closely with area hospitals […] Major emphasis is on … Read more

EWU Scholar Claudio Escalante Accepted to University of Kansas’ MS in Bioengineering

Congrats to Claudio

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Claudio Escalante! Claudio has been accepted to University of Kansas MS/PhD program in Bioengineering. This is a combined degree with six tracks offered in conjunction with the KU School of Medicine. From their Bioengineering overview: The bioengineering program prepares students to become leading researchers, educators, and entrepreneurs. The program provides knowledge … Read more

EWU McNair Alumna Lizeth Bañuelos Presents to Scholars

Alumna Lizeth Bañuelos Visits our Grad AppLication Process Course

We recently had EWU McNair Alumna Lizeth Bañuelos visit our Graduate Application Process Course via Zoom. Lizeth is currently attending Arizona State University’s Master of Counseling (MC) program. Lizeth generously shared her experiences in the McNair program and applying for graduate school in a slideshow and offered advice to our scholars.  Lizeth was able to … Read more

Winter Update

The lounge area and the lab were quiet early Friday morning, but there is evidence of the Scholars everywhere. Scholars (and our staff) have been working hard and staying in the offices late because graduate school application season is among us. Our office gong, which we use to celebrate scholar accomplishments has been ringing all … Read more