EWU McNair Scholar Kelly Parke Accepted to Columbia University’s Master of Human Rights Studies

Congratulations to McNair Scholar Kelly Parke, who’s been accepted to Columbia University’s Master of Human Rights Studies! Their Institute for the Study of Human Rights (ISHR) was “the first academic center in the world to be founded on an interdisciplinary commitment to the study of human rights”. Columbia’s Human Rights Studies Program: […]is an interdisciplinary program … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Alejandro Torres-Gonzalez Accepted to Eastern Washington University Master of Science in Biology

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Alejandro Torres-Gonzalez! Alejandro has been accepted to Eastern Washington University’s Master of Science in Biology with funding. Eastern Washington University’s MS in Biology embeds teaching experience into the curriculum, and culminates in an oral thesis defense. Describing their program, the MS in Biology faculty explain: The department emphasizes research as a … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Alumni Ashley Destin Accepted to Washington State University Master of Science in Animal Science

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Alumni Ashley Destin! Ashley has been accepted to Washington State University’s Master of Science in Animal Science. Of their program, Washington State University states: Programs are flexible and designed to meet the needs and interests of the student and, as such, specific degree requirements are determined through individual consultation with an … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Mary Belton Accepted to San Diego State University Master of Arts Degree in English

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Mary Belton! Mary has been accepted to San Diego State University’s Master of Arts Degree in English. San Diego State University notes this program: […]offers a wide range of courses and approaches to studying literature and writing. Faculty publications are similarly diverse. They include major literary biographies, historical studies, critical analysis … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Irie Browning Accepted to Oregon State University Master’s Program in Applied Ethics

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Irie Browning! Irie has been accepted to Oregon State University’s Master of Arts program in Applied Ethics. Their overview states: OSU’s Masters in Applied Ethics program is designed to develop your moral reasoning and critical thinking skills in service of an engaged life. […] Engaged ethics at OSU begins with transforming our discipline. … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Richard Murphy Accepted to the University of Hawai’i’s PhD in Political Science

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Richard Murphy who’s been accepted into the University of Hawai’i’s PhD in Political Science! From University of Hawai’i’s Political Science PhD page: The program is an intellectual environment that seeks students with previously demonstrated abilities to develop further the creative and analytical skills necessary for thinking critically, conducting research, and … Read more