Kind Campaign

Student Contributor -N. Sanders
The purpose of Kind Campaign is to bring awareness to young girls of the harmful effects of girl-against-girl bullying. They give girls a glimpse of the harm it can cause and give them tools be successful women while not tearing down others. The founders, Lauren Paul and Molly Thompson started this because they have both been effected by female bullying and want to inspire young girls that being kind to others will change their lives.

The founders of Kind Campaign go around to middle schools and high schools around the United States and put on assemblies for the girls in the schools. They started out by driving all across the country and creating a documentary, and it transformed into something much bigger. They talk about how it is free to “be kind” and are given chances to apologize to girls they may have hurt during the assembly. They have a website that provides educational resources, curriculum, and activities to foster the healing process as well as create a safe space and inspring community for their users.

To hold an assembly at your school, there is an online form from their website to fill out. Assemblies can be held without the founders there, and their booking agent will work closely with the school to get them all the materials. This makes a difference because from a young age girls tend to start bullying each other and this is a great way for schools to put a stop to it.

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