Cards for Hospitalized Kids

Student Contributor -Priscila S.
The purpose of this organization is to provide a smile on hospitalized kids across America, through heartfelt handmade cards. Anyone can get involved it doesn’t matter where the person lives, because you are going to mail these cards and then they will be distributed. This organization has provided smiles for over 100,000 kids in hospitals through cards.

This organization distributes to hospitals and Ronald McDonald Houses, any hospital can request to receive cards for the kids there. These cards were able to provide smiles to kids all over the nation. It had a great impact on them knowing that people all over the nation care about them and want them to get better. Many of these kids get their cards early in morning and are able to start off their day on a positive note. By making these cards it gives students the opportunity to see that not all kids get to go to class every day.

Kids are able to make cards either around holidays or just as a way of giving back. With this, teachers are able to make art projects with it or learning how to write meaningful messages. It is something that teachers can do on their own time because at the end of the project the only thing they need is a stamp to mail out these cards.

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