Books For Africa

Student Contributor -K. Shaqhan
Books For Africa is the largest shipper of donated educational materials to the African continent in the world. They have shipped more than 34 million books to 49 different African nations since they were founded in 1988! Not only do they ship donated books but with the donation money they buy educational supplies and ship that to Africa, as well.

“At Books For Africa, we believe that education is the great equalizer in the world and books are at the foundation of a strong educational system. For many children in Africa, the gift of books truly is a gift of hope.”
According to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), “40 percent of school-age children in Africa do not attend school. Forty-six million African children have never set foot in a classroom and most African children who attend school have never owned a book of their own.” You can make a difference by helping donate reading material to these children as well as money to help buy supplies so that a child who didn’t have an opportunity to learn how to read and write before now has one.

Books For Africa makes organizing a fundraiser for books very easy for you to do with your students. They provide you with pre-made posters and an address to send all the books to. All you have to do to get your students on board is share about how education is the way out of poverty. Your students should feel empowered to help those in need if they have the ability to help and encourage them to tell others about the book drive their hosting and it’s importance for the Continent of Africa and the world.

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