Starting an Intramural Team

How To Start An Intramural Team

There are many ways to create or join an IM team. You can form a team with people from your residence hall, individuals from class, or just a group of your friends. 

The following is a list of steps for creating an IM team:

  1. Go to
  2. To create a new account click on the "Sign In" link then click the CREATE ACCOUNT button to create your account
  3. Login into your existing account if you have an account already made
  4. Choose the sport and the league you would like to play
  5. You can register a team or as an individual player, make sure fill in the correct information
    1. If you are registering a team, you will be the captain of that team until it is changed
  6. If you register as a team inform your players of the team name and league you chose, so they can join the team
  7. For any questions/additional information or if you need help creating an IM leagues account contact the IM team at or at the URC room 150i

Please note, the IM staff reserves the right to alter an intramural team name if it is judged to be obscene, derogatory, vulgar, offensive, contains profanity or is not within the spirit of good sportsmanship. The team will not be entered officially until the name is suitable to the IM staff.