URC Ice Arena
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Open Skate Sessions
- Open skate is a session designed for recreational ice skating only, and is intended for all skill levels.
- A URC Rink Attendant will be on ice at all times.
- ALL Skaters must follow and obey the posted URC Ice Arena Rules & Regulations.
- No Spectators are allowed inside rink area. They can sit in either the lobby or arena seating areas.
- All skaters under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

Stick & Puck / Drop in Hockey
Stick & Puck is a session designed for players of all levels to work on basic hockey skills, ie; passing, shooting, puck handling, etc.
Everyone is expected to share the ice equally.
- No scrimmages are allowed during the first hour of this session.
- After the first hour, participants on the ice may choose to scrimmage against each other.
- Drop-in Hockey then requires FULL HOCKEY GEAR (Helmet, gloves, hockey pants, chest protector, elbow and leg pads), NO EXCEPTIONS.
- Helmets are available for check out at the Skate Desk in exchange for a valid Eagle Card, Community Membership card, or Driver’s License.
- Goalies skate for free (if they are able to present full goalie gear to the URC Front Desk Staff).

Coaching, Training & Instruction
No outside person or organization may coach any form of ice skating or hockey skills unless available ice time has been requested and scheduled.
WAC 172-137-050 Authorized and prohibited uses.
(2) Private or commercial activities. (a) University facilities may not be used for private or commercial gain, including: Commercial advertising; solicitation and merchandising of any food, goods, wares, service, or merchandise of any nature whatsoever; or any other form of sales or promotional activity; except as allowed under chapter 172-139 WAC or in the following cases: (i) By special permission granted by the university president, or designee, if an agreement, lease, or other formal arrangement is entered into between the university and the person, corporation, or other entity desiring to engage in commercial activity; or (ii) To the extent it represents the regular advertising, promotional, or sponsorship activities carried on, by, or in any university media, The Easterner, or at university events; (b) University facilities may not be used by faculty or staff in connection with compensated outside service, except that faculty or staff may use university facilities that are generally available to the public on Adopted by the EWU Board of Trustees, Jan 27, 2012. Effective: Mar 1, 2012 the same basis, including payment of the same fees, as may other private citizens. (c) Commercial advertising and/or solicitation which is deceptive or concerns an illegal product or service is prohibited on university facilities.
Participant Recreation Facilities Waiver
ALL participants to the Recreation Centers must submit a Participant Recreation Facilities Waiver.
Waivers are required once per year and are active for 365 days.

Contact Us
Phone (509) 359-4026
Email urc@ewu.edu
Address 1012 Cedar St, Cheney, WA 99004
Please visit EWU’s COVID-19 Updates Page for information on university building closures.