Five More “Fighting Eagles” Battalion Cadets Graduate from ROTC Advanced Camp

The Eastern Washington University (EWU) Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) recently had 5 more Cadets graduate from Advanced Camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky.  Cadets Ian House, Joseph Jordan, Jazmin Castrejon, Coy Odiorne, and Melinda Leen all graduated as part of Advanced Camp’s 9th Regiment on August 8th.

EWU Advanced Camp Graduates

From left: Ian House, Joseph Jordan, Jazmin Castrejon, Coy Odiorne, and Melinda Leen pictured together following graduation from ROTC Advanced Camp at Ft. Knox, Kentucky 

Advanced Camp is Cadet Command’s premier annual training event that assesses Cadets on their ability to conduct basic officer leadership tasks.  Cadets usually attend Advanced Camp during the summer between their junior and senior years of college.  Passing Advanced Camp is a mandatory requirement for all Cadets who want to commission as an officer in the U.S. Army after graduation. With the successful completion of Advanced Camp, Cadets House, Jordan, Castrejon, Odiorne, and Leen are one step closer to commissioning as Second Lieutenants after graduating from Eastern.

The completion of Advanced Camp however was not the end of summer training for some of these Cadets.  After graduating from Advanced Camp three of the Cadets left to participate in Cadet Troop Leadership Training (CTLT).  At CTLT a Cadet gets hands on experience with being an officer within an active duty U.S. Army unit.  Cadet Odiorne is currently embedded with Taskforce Talon, a missile defense unit assigned to protect the island of Guam from ballistic missile attack.  Cadet Castrejon and House both traveled to Ft. Hood, Texas to take part in a CTLT experience with transportation and chemical units.

Congratulations to all five Cadets for graduating from Advanced Camp and achieving one of the most important accomplishments of the ROTC program.

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