Spring FTX Prepares Fighting Eagles Cadets for Advanced Camp 2019

Spring FTX Day 1

After a successful helicopter insertion operation from the Eastern Washington University (EWU) campus to Camp Seven Mile; Cadets from the EWU Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program began executing their Spring Field Training Exercise (FTX).

UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter drops off Fighting Eagles Cadets at Camp Seven Mile. (Photo courtesy of Mr. Jerry Mellick)

The Spring FTX was the third in a series of FTX’s to prepare MSIII (junior) Cadets for the rigors of Advanced Camp at Ft. Knox, Kentucky this summer.  Advanced Camp is the major training event that all Cadets must pass in order to commission as an officer after their college graduation.  The first FTX executed by EWU ROTC focused on individual soldier skills with the Expert Fighting Eagle Badge (EFEB) testing.  The second FTX was our Winter FTX that focused on squad level operations (8-10 personnel).  The Spring FTX trained Cadets on platoon level operations (30-40 personnel).  Being a Platoon Leader is one of the first positions that Cadets will hold in the Army, after they commission as 2nd Lieutenants.

Terrain model of Camp Seven Mile.

The Spring FTX was held at Camp Seven Mile.  Camp Seven Mile is military property that is part of Riverside State Park.  The camp was established in 1933 to house Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) workers.  After constructing the camp the CCC workers than began building the roads, trails, and replanting trees to create the beautiful state park seen today.  In 1942 the CCC program was ended and the land turned over to the military.  The land was used to train soldiers that deployed to World War II and the Korean War.  The old camp property continues to be used for training purposes by Reserve, National Guard, and ROTC units in the region even though it is managed as part of the Washington State Park system.

The view looking down on the forested land of Camp Seven Mile from the helicopter Landing Zone.

Military boundary sign at Camp Seven Mile.

To make the training at Camp Seven Mile as realistic as possible all the training lanes were modeled after what the Cadets will see at Advanced Camp.  As soon as they exited their helicopter, the Cadets immediately began to execute a training lane.

EWU ROTC Cadets pull landing zone security at Camp Seven Mile. (Picture from Mr. Jerry Mellick)

Shortly after leaving the landing zone to conduct their mission each platoon was attacked by Opposing Force (OPFOR) soldiers.  We were very fortunate this year to have our OPFOR being executed by Soldiers from the Washington Army National Guard.

Soldiers form the Washington Army National Guard role play as the Opposing Force (OPFOR) during the EWU ROTC Spring FTX. (Picture from Mr. Jerry Mellick)

During the ambush the Cadets had to execute their react to ambush battle drills they learned in leadership labs earlier in the quarter.

EWU ROTC Cadets react to an ambush.

The Cadets for the FTX were issued M4 rifles and M249 Squad Automatic Weapons (SAW) with blank rounds along with SINCGARS radios.  Carrying the real weapons, blank ammunition, and tactical radios allowed the Cadets to experience what it is like to carry the additional weight for an extended period of time.  The weapons loaded with blank ammunition also allowed the Cadets to practice weapons safety by enforcing procedures to prevent negligent discharges.

A Cadet pull security at a patrol base with his M4 rifle loaded with blank ammunition.

A Cadet uses a SINCGARS radio during a mission.

Following the react to ambush lane the Fighting Eagles Cadets next participated in a night time land navigation course.  Successfully completing day and night land navigation courses are major parts of passing Advanced Camp.  The thickly forested Camp Seven Mile provides an area very similar to the conditions the Cadets will experience at Ft. Knox, Kentucky during Advanced Camp.

View of the forest at Camp Seven Mile.

MS IV Cadet Jordan Johnson gives a terrain model brief prior to the start of the night time land navigation course.

After the Cadets completed the night time land navigation course each platoon then bedded down for the night within their patrol bases.

Spring FTX Day 2

The next morning the Cadets woke up early to begin a busy day of training.

Cadets confer about an upcoming mission in their patrol base.

During Day 2 of the Spring FTX each platoon conducted various ambush, attack, raid, and defense lanes.  To add to the realism of the training on Day 2, smoke and artillery simulators were used throughout the day.

OPFOR uses purple smoke to obscure their attack against a patrol base.

Cadets emerge from a cloud of yellow smoke during a raid mission.

To ensure that the MS-III Cadets received the maximum training possible, enough lanes were conducted to where the MS-III’s had a chance to either be a Squad Leader, Platoon Sergeant, or Platoon Leader.  These leadership positions are what they will be evaluated on at Advanced Camp this summer.  To help them improve in these leadership positions, after every lane an After Action Review was conducted by MS-IV and Cadre observer controllers.  An AAR is used to describe what the Cadet did correctly and identify areas of improvement.

MS-IV Scott Hinshaw conducts an AAR after a platoon raid lane.

Once night came on Day 2 of the Spring FTX, the Cadets again conducted a nighttime land navigation course to give them further practice to master this important individual Soldier skill.

Spring FTX Day 3

On Day 3 of the Spring FTX, the platoons from the Fighting Eagles battalion each conducted one more training lane on that morning.  The completion of the training lane concluded the platoon training portion of the Spring FTX.

EWU ROTC Cadets return fire during Day 3 of the Spring FTX.

An EWU ROTC Cadet reacts to contact during Day 3 of the Spring FTX.

During the execution of all these training lanes, each of the platoons had to call up their reports to the Tactical Operations Center (TOC).  At the TOC, MS-IV Cadets took the reports and coordinated food, water, and ammunition resupply requested by the platoons.  The TOC operations provided added realism to the training and practical TOC experience for our MS-IV Cadets.

Cadet Erling Anderson answers the radio at the TOC at Camp Seven Mile.

The final training event for Day 3 was for the Cadets to conduct a daytime land navigation course.  For daytime land navigation, each Cadet had to find more points over a more expansive area than the nighttime course.  The distances between points caused the land navigation course to not only be mentally challenging, but physically challenging as well.  After already being out in the field for three days the daytime land navigation course was one last challenge that pushed the Cadets to reach new limits of their own personal endurance and resiliency.

View of the terrain used for the daytime land navigation course.

EWU ROTC Cadet conducts the daytime land navigation course at Camp Seven Mile.

After the completion of the land navigation course the exhausted Cadets were then transported by bus back to Cadet Hall at the EWU Campus.  At Cadet Hall a well deserved dinner of Italian food was waiting for the hungry Cadets.

Cadets enjoy eating an Italian dinner at the conclusion of the Spring FTX.

EWU ROTC Cadets enjoy plates of noodles after completion of the Spring FTX.


The Spring FTX was a great success that provided great training in platoon level operations to the EWU ROTC Cadets.  Our Cadets also received important training in day and night land navigation.  Most importantly it provided our MS-III Cadets an opportunity to rotate through the leadership positions they will be evaluated on at Advanced Camp this summer.  Their performance at the Spring FTX indicates that they are well prepared and ready to excel at Advanced Camp.

Go ROTC!  Go Fighting Eags!

EWU President Joins ROTC Cadets as They Take to the Skies Over Spokane

Spring FTX

On April 25th, 2019 the “Fighting Eagles” Cadets from the Eastern Washington University (EWU) Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program began their 3-day Spring Field Training Exercise (FTX).  To begin the exercise the Cadets would fly in UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters from the EWU campus in Cheney, Washington to Camp Seven Mile located north of Spokane.

EWU ROTC Cadets march towards Roos Field to await arrival of helicopters.

The Cheney Fire Department sprays down the landing zone prior to the arrival of the helicopters to limit the blowing of debris. 

The helicopter landing on campus was made possible by coordination between EWU ROTC, campus authorities, the EWU police department, and Cheney Fire Department.  The Blackhawk helicopters were piloted by soldiers from the Washington Army National Guard’s 96th Aviation Troop Command out of Joint Base Lewis-McCord (JBLM).  They landed their helicopters in a parking lot adjacent to the iconic red turf of Roos Field, more popularly known as “The Inferno”.

UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters land on the EWU campus.

EWU ROTC “Fighting Eagles” Battalion Cadets ready to fly out to the Spring FTX.

VIPs Fly with the Fighting Eagles

Something special about this year’s flight out to the Spring FTX is that the EWU President, Dr. Mary Cullinan flew out with the Cadets to the FTX.  Joining Dr. Cullinan on the flight out was EWU Provost, Dr. Scott Gordon, and Dean of the College of Social Sciences, Dr. Jonathan Anderson.  Prominent EWU ROTC alumni, Brigadier General (retired) Neal Sealock and Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Jerry Mellick joined the university leadership on the flight out.  BG Sealock is the current Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army (CASA) for Eastern Washington.

From left: LTC(R) Jerry Mellick, Dr. Scott Gordon, Dr. Mary Cullinan, Dr. Jonathan Anderson, LTC Jonathan Stafford, BG(R) Neal Sealock

The VIPs were transported in UH-72 helicopters piloted by Washington National Guard soldiers out of Fairchild Air Force Base.

UH-72 Lakota helicopters land on the EWU campus.

After receiving “cold load” training to prepare for the flight, the Cadets then began to load up into their helicopters.

Cadets board a Blackhawk helicopter.

EWU ROTC Cadets ready for action.

High Above EWU

The VIPs loaded in the UH-72 Lakota helicopters took off first and watched the Blackhawks take off with the Cadets from the air.

Blackhawk helicopters can be seen on the upper right preparing to take off near Roos Field more commonly known as “The Inferno”.

The airborne perspective provided views of areas commonly used by EWU ROTC Cadets.  For example the Palouse Hills to the west of Roos Field is a training area often used to conduct leadership labs at.

The Palouse Hills adjacent to the EWU campus.

The Cheney Waterworks is a wooded area located to the east of Cheney which is another area often used to conduct leadership labs at:

The wetlands that make up the Cheney Waterworks property.

Blackhawks take off from the EWU campus.

Eastern Washington University President, Dr. Mary Cullinan views the EWU campus from a UH-72 Lakota helicopter.

The view looking down on the center of the EWU campus.

The city of Cheney with the EWU campus located on the upper left.

Blackhawks carrying EWU ROTC Cadets fly over Cheney, Washington.

A closer look at the Blackhawks carrying Cadets from the EWU ROTC program.

Flying to Camp Seven Mile

From the EWU campus the Blackhawk helicopters followed the Lakotas towards Camp Seven Mile.  During the flight the helicopters passed over the beautiful Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge and the city of Spokane, before following the Spokane River north towards Camp Seven Mile.

The beautiful wetlands of the Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge.

The helicopters approach the South Hill area of Spokane with highway 195 that runs to Pullman visible on the left.

Downtown Spokane, Washington.

EWU President Dr. Mary Cullinan flying in a UH-72 Lakota helicopter over downtown Spokane, WA.

EWU Provost, Dr. Scott Gordon pictured flying in a UH-72 Lakota over downtown Spokane, WA.

Helicopters begin to follow the Spokane River towards Camp Seven Mile. 

Flying over the Spokane River to Camp Seven Mile.

Arrival at Camp Seven Mile

After following the Spokane River north of Spokane, the helicopters soon arrived at Camp Seven Mile.  Camp Seven Mile is military property that is part of Riverside State Park.  The camp was established in 1933 to house Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) workers.  After constructing the camp the CCC workers than began building the roads, trails, and replanting trees to create the beautiful state park seen today.  In 1942 the CCC program was ended and the land turned over to the military.  The land was used to train soldiers that deployed to World War II and the Korean War.  The old camp property continues to be used for training purposes by Reserve, National Guard, and ROTC units in the region even though it is managed as part of the Washington State Park system.

Blackhawk helicopters carrying EWU ROTC Cadets fly over Camp Seven Mile.

Blackhawk helicopters carrying EWU ROTC Cadets land at Camp Seven Mile.

Fighting Eagles Cadets unload from their Blackhawk helicopter.

Blackhawk helicopter departs from Camp Seven Mile.

Successful Operation

The ride out to Camp Seven Mile via helicopter made for a memorable first day of the Spring FTX for the Cadets of the EWU ROTC program.  The leadership from ROTC thanks all the campus authorities, EWU Police Department, Fire Department, and the 96th Aviation Troop Command for making the helicopter insertion to Camp Seven Mile possible.  We also thank Dr. Cullinan, Dr. Gordon, Dr. Anderson, BG(R) Sealock, and LTC(R) Mellick for flying out with the Cadets during the first day of the Spring FTX.  The success of our helicopter operations demonstrates the incredible community we have at Eastern that supports our ROTC program.

Go ROTC!  Go Fighting Eags!

Fighting Eagles Cadets Win Eastern Washington University Student Leader Excellence Awards

The Eastern Washington University (EWU) Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program was extremely proud to have three Cadets selected as finalists for the annual EWU Student Leader Excellence Awards.  The award ceremony was held on April 24th, 2019 in the Pence Union Building (PUB) on the beautiful EWU campus.  The awards recognize Eastern students and organizations for their leadership accomplishments in various award categories.  The EWU ROTC “Fighting Eagles” Battalion had the following Cadets selected as finalists for Student Leader Excellence Awards:

  • Haley Bent / EWU Everyday Leader Award
  • Melinda Leen / Soaring Eagle Individual Service Award
  • Kaylie Watters / City of Cheney Award

From left: Kaylie Watters, Haley Bent, Melinda Leen

Of our three finalists two of them would go on to win an award.  Cadet Leen was first recognized as the recipient of the Soaring Eagle Individual Service Award.  This award goes to the EWU student who has demonstrated leadership in community service in the local Cheney/Spokane community.  Melinda was highly deserving of this recognition due to her role running the EWU ROTC volunteer program.

Cadet Melinda Leen receives her award as the 2019 Soaring Eagle Individual Service Award winner.

For example she spearheaded the battalion’s involvement in laying wreaths over Christmas on graves at the Washington State Veteran’s Cemetery.  She also led the largest blood drive on campus since 2015 among a host of other volunteer activities she has conducted.  Leen also volunteers as a member of the Washington State Honor Guard. The Honor Guard conducts internment ceremonies for deceased veterans.  Over the past year she has participated in 36 funerals in the Eastern Washington region.

Cadet Kaylie Watters receive her 2019 City of Cheney Award from Mayor Chris Grover. 

Kaylie Watters was our next Cadet to win an award.  She was recognized as the 2019 City of Cheney Award winner.  The award goes to the student or organization who models good citizenship and participates in community activities and service projects within Cheney.

Kaylie Watters is poses with her 2019 City of Cheney Award.

Since 2013 Watters has worked for the Cheney Parks and Recreation department as a lifeguard and swim instructor. As an instructor, she taught dozens of young children living in Cheney the important life skill of knowing how to swim.  Kaylie has also since 2015 served as the Cheney Sharks Swim Team Coach. During the academic year she trains 20 kids on the team for two days every week. During the summer time she trains over 30 kids on the team for five days a week in preparation for regional swim meets.  Watters also participated in the November 2018 Turkey Trot race that Cadet Leen organized ROTC involvement with that helped to collect 300 pounds of food that were donated to the Cheney Food Bank.

Our finalist and two award winners are perfect examples of the leadership and high character of our Fighting Eagles Cadets.  Congratulations to these very deserving and outstanding Cadets.  Go ROTC!  Go Fighting Eags!

EWU ROTC Professor of Military Science, Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Stafford (center) is pictured with award winners Melinda Leen (left) and Kaylie Watters (right). 


EWU ROTC Cadet Commanding Officer Attends Mission Command Conference at West Point

United States Army Cadet Command (USACC) recently sent Cadets to attend the Mission Command Conference (MCC) held at the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York.  Only 100 Cadets from the thousands that make up the 274 Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) programs across the country were selected.  The Eastern Washington University (EWU) ROTC program nominated Cadet Haley Bent to attend the MCC.  Cadet Bent is a senior, studying Business who was the EWU ROTC “Fighting Eagles” Battalion Commanding Officer (CO).  Earlier this year Bent was also recognized as a Distinguished Military Graduate, an honor given to only the Top 20% of Cadets across the country.

EWU ROTC Cadet, Haley Bent attends the Mission Command Conference at the US Military Academy.

Her nomination to attend the MCC was approved and she attended the conference between 17-18 April 2019 with 100 other ROTC Cadets and the 2019 US Military Academy commissioning class.  Prior to the conference Cadets were tasked to read the book “Black Hearts” by Jim Frederick and optionally read “Platoon Leader” by retired Colonel James “Jim” McDonough. During the MCC, Cadet Bent participated in a fireside chat with Jim McDonough and was given the opportunity to ask questions and discuss McDonough’s experiences as a platoon leader in Vietnam and how he handled corruption, insubordination, and overall tactics during the war.

Cadets listen to panelists at the Mission Command Conference

Cadet Bent was also able to participate in a panel discussion with former Soldiers from the “Black Hearts” book.  The Soldiers discussed events described in the book involving operations in Iraq’s “triangle of death” that led to some Soldiers from the platoon committing murder of Iraqi civilians.  The Cadets in attendance were able to talk to the former Soldiers on the panel and ask them their views on why some Soldiers in their unit went into such a downward spiral that led to murder.  Their multiple perspectives gave Cadets the chance to understand the events at a Soldier and leader level as well as discuss the moral and ethical decisions made by Soldiers in the unit. Following the panel, the ROTC Cadets were then taken to the West Point Visitors Center to explore the history of the Academy and the overall history of warfare.

The Mission Command Conference was a great opportunity for the Cadets in attendance to better their leadership skills and moral/ethical decision making.  Cadets learn through the ROTC program that doing the right thing isn’t always easy, but it is always the best choice.  Eastern Washington Army ROTC strives to build Second Lieutenants of character and we look forward to what our future commissioning officers, like Haley Bent will bring to our Army.

Fighting Eagles Cadets Ruck Donated Supplies to Spokane Veterans Home

Great job by the Fighting Eagles Cadets that participated in the community service ruck march on April 13, 2019.  The Cadets rucked donated supplies they gathered from downtown Spokane to the Spokane Veterans Home in support of the Travis Manion Foundation and the Inland Empire Rucknuts organizations.

EWU ROTC Cadets take picture in front of the Spokane River after completing their ruck march over to the Spokane Veterans Home.  Back Row (left to right): Cadets Austin Bristow, Ethan Smart, Hunter Smith, Riley Williams, Destin Garcia, Liam Hewey, Chad Triplett, Coy Odiorne; Front Row (left to right): Cadets Nikoly Andrade, Austin Pfennig, Samantha Knight, Melinda Leen, Andrew Norby, Ian House


Fighting Eagles Cadets Conduct Morning Ruck March Around the EWU Campus

This morning the Eastern Washington University (EWU) Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) conducted a 7-mile ruck march around the EWU campus.  Each Cadet from the Fighting Eagles battalion carried 35 pounds plus additional equipment in their rucks during the march.  Ruck marching tests the endurance and strength plus pushes these future Army leaders to new limits.

Being able to conduct ruck marches is a basic soldier skill trained as part of the EWU ROTC program.  The morning ruck march is part of the build up to train Cadets for the end of quarter 12-mile ruck march.  Besides being an important soldier skill, conducting a 12-mile ruck march is one of the events Cadets need to pass when they attend Advanced Camp at Ft. Knox, Kentucky.

For anyone looking to push themselves to new limits, become Eagle Strong by joining the EWU ROTC Fighting Eagles battalion.

Go ROTC!  Go Fighting Eags!