University Police

Location and Phone Numbers

The EWU Police Department is located at 820 Washington Street (101 Red Barn).  Business operations are conducted from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday.

University Police Department Phone Numbers

  • Dial 911 if you have a life-threatening emergency or crime in progress
  • For non-emergency police assistance: 509.359.7676
  • Office phone (during business hours): 509.359.6498
  • Recorded Menu: 509.359.6300

EWU Spokane Campus

EWU Police Department

EWU police officers posing for a photo. They are at in the pence union building on the stairs.

Message from the Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police

Tim Walters, Chief of Police

Dear University Community:

Welcome to Eastern Washington University. Our police department has 18 commissioned police officers who patrol and protect our campus community 24 hours a day, year-round.  Our department’s primary jurisdiction is the 325-acre campus, which includes a population of over 11,000 students and more than 1,300 staff members.

Community oriented policing is at the heart of our success here in Eagle Country.  The EWU Police Department is committed to building relationships with community members while providing the highest level of service to keep our citizens safe.  We are optimizing our outreach efforts to provide more opportunities for our campus community to interact with our officers.  Our community partnerships are established through the daily efforts of our officers and support staff to maintain the confidence of those we serve.

We have programs designed to enable our students and staff to be more informed, aware and active in the safety and security aspect of our campus community life, such as:  911 Code Blue Light Stations, safety

escort services for students and staff, our vehicle unlock and battery jump programs, and the Anonymous Tip Line telephone number 509.359.4286, just to list a few.  We also provide staff and students with training programs that teach personal safety methods and techniques that may be helpful if faced with an emergency on or off campus.

Every member of the EWU community should be familiar with the services offered by the EWU Police Department, which are detailed on our website, and take advantage of them.  Become proactive in your safety by being aware of your surroundings, staying informed and using good judgment.  We encourage you to act in partnership with our department to address crime and security issues on campus.  If you see something, say something!

Please take time to review the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report.   I encourage you to consider the information provided in this report and ways that we can work together to keep our campus safe and secure.  Don’t hesitate to contact the Eastern Washington University Police Department if you need help or more information about our services.


Tim Walters
Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police

EWU University Police

609 W 7th St
101 Red Barn (Mailstop)
Cheney, WA 99004

Office phone: 509.359.6498 (M-F 8:00 am – 5:00 pm)
Non-emergency police assistance: 509.359.7676
