Officer Building


The Adopt-A-Cop program was developed as a means to establish a rapport between the University Police Department and the student population.  Generally, Adopt-A-Cop officers engage in such activities as giving various presentations to the students and educating them on important issues.  Adopt-A-Cop presentations cover a range of topics including personal safety, drug and alcohol awareness, sexual assault awareness, and self defense classes.  This involvement establishes a rapport and provides a visible role model to students.

Below are assignment of officers to residence halls:

Residence HallOfficer
Louise Anderson HallTabak, Helmberger
Pearce HallTurner, Stewart
snyamncut HallPhillips, Karlis, Ruhl
Streeter HallVillasano, Davies

Administrative Building Assignments

Officers are also assigned to academic and administrative buildings:

Arts Complex (Arts, Music, Communications, R-TV and Theatre)Ruhl
Computing & Engineering, Cadet Hall and Cheney HallTurner
Science Building, JFK Library and Jim Thorpe FieldhouseStewart
Monroe Hall and Indian Education CenterTabak
Huston Hall and Sutton HallHelmberger
Martin Hall and Williamson HallVillasano
Kingston Hall, Senior Hall, Showalter HallDavies
Patterson Hall, Tawanka Hall, and Hargreaves HallPhillips
Archives Building, EWU Children's Center and Isle HallKarlis