EWU Police patrol car

Campus Security Authorities

The Clery Act, a federal law, requires universities to collect crime statistics and publishes them in an annual security report. The most recent edition of this report can be found here.  As part of Clery Act compliance, EWU is required to recognize members of our community as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs). These individuals have a federally mandated responsibility to report any alleged Clery Act crimes that they witnessed or have been reported to them.

We want to take a moment to extend our sincere appreciation and thanks for all you do to ensure the safety and well-being of our entire community. We know your collaboration and communication throughout the year results in a safer and more inclusive campus. You play a role in ensuring the safety and security of our campus community and we are grateful for the time you take to assist us with the reporting of crimes.  Thank you for helping us to not only comply with this federal law, but to also ensure we are all doing everything we can to respond to and prevent future crime on our campus.

Who is a CSA?

The law defines four categories of CSAs:

  1. Sworn police personnel and police administrators.
  2. Non-police staff or offices responsible for campus security (university security personnel, contract security personnel, parking enforcement staff, personnel providing access control and/or security at campus facilities, athletic events or other special events and other similar positions).
  3. Officials with significant responsibility for student and campus activities. This category is defined broadly to ensure complete coverage and thorough reporting of crimes.  To determine which individuals or organizations are CSA’s, consider job functions that involve relationships with students.  This includes officials (not support staff) whose functions involve relationships with students.  An official is defined as any person who has the authority and the duty to take action or respond to particular issues on behalf of the University.  If someone has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, he or she is a CSA.Some examples of CSAs in this category include, but are not limited to:  academic deans/chairs; students affairs/residential life officials; coordinator of Greek affairs (or related positions); athletic administrators including director, assistant directors, coaches and trainers; student activities coordinators and staff; student judicial officials; advisors to student groups and organizations; and administrators at branch campuses.
  4. Any individual or organization specified in an institution’s statement of campus security policy as an individual or organization to which students and employees should report criminal offenses.

Who is not a CSA?

Positions that would not meet the criteria for being a CSA include:

  • faculty with no responsibility for students and campus activity beyond the classroom
  • clerical staff with minimal student interaction  or involvement in campus activities
  • dining staff
  • facilities maintenance staff

What do CSAs need to report?

We are looking to you to provide the institution with the necessary information if/when you receive a report of a Clery Act crime. This is important not only because it is a federal obligation, but also because you are in a position where someone is likely to come to you with this information and trust you will be able to provide them with helpful resources.

The offenses (also known as Clery Crimes) for which we are required to disclose statistics are:

  • Murder/non-negligent homicide
  • Negligent homicide
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Sex offenses (rape, fondling, incest and statutory rape)
  • Robbery,
  • Burglary,
  • Motor Vehicle Theft
  • Arson
  • Domestic Offenses (domestic violence, dating violence, stalking)
  • Liquor law violations, Drug law violations, Weapons possession violations
  • Domestic violence, Dating violence and Stalking
  • Hate Crimes

The university is also required to report statistics for hate (bias) related crimes for the following classifications: murder/non-negligent manslaughter, negligent manslaughter, sex offenses (forcible and non-forcible), robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, arson, larceny, vandalism, intimidation, and simple assault. We are required to report the above offenses when they occur on campus, in residence facilities, on non-campus property (such as fraternity and sorority houses) and on public property (streets/sidewalks adjacent to campus).

Crimes can be reported using the online CSA reporting form at https://inside.ewu.edu/police/report-a-crime/campus-security-authority-crime-report-form/. Crimes in progress should be reported by calling 911.


If you have been requested to complete CSA training, it is because you hold a position at the university that meets one of the categories above. Training is mandatory and must be completed by all CSAs in order to be compliant with federal law. If you are unsure as to whether or not you meet the criteria for being a CSA or have any other questions regarding training, please contact EWU’s Clery Compliance Officer at 509-359-6310.