Report a Crime


You may report crimes through the EWU Tip Line (Anonymous) at 509.359.4286, the EWU Police Department at 509.359.6498, the Crime Check Line at 509.359.7676, or by submitting the information below.

The reports submitted on this form are not monitored 24/7: IN AN EMERGENCY DIAL 911.

It is our practice to not attempt to trace the origin of the person submitting this form, unless it is deemed necessary for public safety. If an investigator needs to contact you for a follow-up on the information you provide, you may still remain anonymous, but it will aid the investigator to discuss the information in more detail.

Please provide information on the suspect (ie. name, address, physical description), dates and time of the crime, etc. Explain how you know the crime occurred. Do you know if the crime has already been reported?  Provide as much detail as possible.


University policy requires each Campus Security Authority to report to EWU Police Department when he or she becomes aware of information that indicates that a Clery Act incident may have occurred. Clery Act incidents include murder/non-negligent manslaughter, negligent manslaughter, sex offenses, aggravated assault, robbery, arson, burglary, motor vehicle theft, as well as other violent crimes, such as dating and domestic violence; Clery crimes also include drug abuse violations, liquor law violations or weapons violations that result in either an arrest or a disciplinary referral, and any crime considered to be motivated by hate or bias. To report such a crime or crimes, please click the button below to access the form.

Your submission will be reviewed by police personnel and investigated, and appropriate action will be taken.  If you have questions or concerns contact the Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police at (509) 359-6924.