Emergency Response

The Eastern Washington University Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) is designed as a framework for mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery activities. It details authorities, functions, and responsibilities to establish a coordinated and effective response to emergencies and disasters of all types. This plan will be utilized to enhance emergency management capabilities, coordinate all phases of emergency management activities in order to minimize the impacts of emergencies and disasters, and to protect the people, property, economy, and environment of Eastern Washington University.
Emergency Response Procedures
Police-Fire-Paramedics: 911
Police Assistance Non-Emergency: 509.359.7676
Power Outages: 509.359.2245
Hazardous Materials Incident: 509.359.6496
Poison Control Center: 1.800.222.1222
- Call 911 when life/property are in immediate danger
- When you see smoke or fire
- When you see a crime being committed
- When rescue or emergency medical assistance is needed
- Never call 911 as a joke
- Do not dial 911 for information such as road or weather conditions, power outages or directions
- Dial 911 (no need to dial 5)
- Give the operator the nature of the emergency
- Give your exact location; street address, building name, room number
- Give the telephone number from which you are calling
- People who are considered at-risk during an emergency situation include anyone with any condition, temporary or permanent, including sight, hearing or mobility, that may hinder them from recognizing or responding to an alarm or other directions that may be given, or who are not able to evacuate quickly without assistance by means of the stairwells. This may also include persons who do not understand English sufficiently to respond to verbal or written directions.
- Faculty and supervisory staff who work with at-risk individuals should meet with them to discuss procedures in case of fire or other emergency. It is important to recognize that those with disabilities know their limitations and abilities better than anyone else. As such, they may already know what is needed to safely evacuate them from an area during an emergency.
- Evacuation of at-risk individuals who are otherwise ambulatory, such as the sight or hearing impaired, should take place normally with other building occupants. These people can benefit from an escort, or buddy system, and should be provided one from within the class or work area.
- People who are dependent upon equipment for their mobility, such as wheelchairs or crutches, should not use elevators unless directed to do so by the fire department or other emergency personnel. If stairs cannot be used, these individuals must either be transported out of the building by other means or be protected in a designated Area of Refuge. Manual techniques for lifting and/or carrying a person require training and proper application and should not be attempted by the untrained.
- Individuals that cannot be safely evacuated from the building should proceed to the nearest safe stairwell in the building with a prearranged escort and remain on the landing near the door with the escort. The exact location of all at-risk individuals must be relayed without delay by calling 911 or direct reporting to responding emergency personnel.
Biohazardous agents are bacteria, viruses, or parasites which cause disease. These agents will most likely be encountered in body fluids such as blood, vomit, or semen.
If human blood and/or body fluids are encountered:
- Contact your supervisor and notify Environmental Health and Safety at 359-6496. After hours notify the University Police at 359-7676.
- Secure the area to the best of your ability without touching anything contaminated. A trained staff member from Environmental Health and Safety will assess the need for cleanup.
- If direct skin contact with blood/body fluids does occur, immediately wash the affected skin with hot water and soap, and report it to your supervisor.
- If the skin area is intact (no cuts, abrasions, etc.) this is not considered an “exposure” and there is no danger of being infected with a pathogen.
- If the affected skin area does have cuts, abrasions, etc., a post exposure evaluation should be performed immediately. Contact Environmental Health and Safety at 359-6496.
- Campus personnel who injure themselves and cause a blood spill should clean up the spill themselves, if possible, with a 10% bleach solution.
Explosions may be accidental or deliberate and can be caused by chemicals, natural gas, propane, high pressure steam or an explosive device.
If you see/hear an explosion:
- Call 911
- Be prepared for possible further explosions.
- Leave the area, if possible.
- If unable to leave, take cover under a table or desk or in a windowless interior room, such as a restroom.
- Stay away from windows, mirrors, overhead fixtures, filing cabinets, bookcases, heavy objects, and electrical equipment.
- If evacuation is ordered, proceed to the appropriate assembly area.
- Do not move seriously injured persons unless they are in obvious, immediate danger.
- Open doors carefully. Watch for falling objects.
- Do not use elevators.
- Do not use matches or lighters.
- Do not spread rumors.
- Be prepared for fire or power failure to follow explosions.
If you receive a telephone threat:
- Remain calm.
- Try to get the attention of other staff members to help you. Have someone call 911.
- Follow instructions on the Bomb Threat Checklist on the back of this booklet.
- Listen carefully. Be polite and show interest. Try to keep the caller talking so that you can gather more information.
- After you hang up from the caller dial 911 IMMEDIATELY if someone has not already called for you.
- Check your workspace and the areas with which you are the most familiar. If any suspicious object or package is noted, DO NOT TOUCH IT and keep others away. Call 911 immediately to report the object or package.
- If evacuation is ordered, proceed to the appropriate assembly area.
- Complete the Bomb Threat Checklist as soon as possible.
- Wait for the responding officers so they can interview you. Have the completed Bomb Threat Checklist with you.
If you receive a written threat or suspicious parcel, or if you find a suspicious object anywhere on the premises:
- Call 911 immediately
- If evacuation is ordered, proceed to the appropriate assembly area.
- Promptly write down everything you can remember about receiving the letter or parcel, or finding the object. Law enforcement investigators will need this information.
- Remain calm. Do not discuss the threat with other staff members. Do not spread rumors.
- All staff and students should:
- Understand this evacuation plan.
- Follow evacuation instructions.
- Know at least two ways out of the building from your regular workspace, classroom, or living quarters and practice using those exits.
- When you hear a fire alarm or are told to evacuate the building:
- Remain calm, leave quickly.
- Building Captains present in each department shall be responsible for ensuring that all members of their department evacuate the area.
- Resident Life Coordinators are responsible for ensuring that the residence halls are evacuated.
- Every employee should check that all others in their work area are leaving as instructed. Accompany or assist disabled persons and any co-worker who appears to need direction or assistance.
- Report any person who is unwilling or unable to evacuate to emergency responders.
- If you are at your workstation, take personal items such as car keys, purse, briefcase, and coat. Do not attempt to take large or heavy objects or attempt to save possessions at the risk of personal injury.
- Close all doors behind you as you go. Closed doors can slow the spread of fire, smoke, and water.
- Do not use elevators, but proceed to stairways as quickly as possible and in an orderly manner.
- Stay to the right and hold handrails when walking on stairs. Make way for emergency personnel.
- Once out of the building, move away from the structure and go to the appropriate assembly area.
- Wait for further instructions. Do not re-enter the building until cleared to do so by emergency personnel.
The purpose of Appendix F of the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan is to guide an effective response to an outbreak of communicable disease on the EWU campus and/or in the surrounding community that affects the health and well-being of staff and students and may affect the operation of the University.
EWU Emergency Management Plan Annex F (2020): Communicable Diseases
When confronted with a problem person:
- Get assistance from a colleague and call 911 if there is any doubt about your personal safety or the safety of those around you. If the person verbalizes or engages in physical violence have someone call 911 immediately.
- Be calm and polite but firm. Maintain an outward appearance of composure. This helps to defuse tension.
- Separate the person from others but remain in the public eye; get help from other staff. Do not take the person or allow yourself to be taken to a private area.
- Be aware of your surroundings. Do not let the person put you into a corner or other position from which you can’t flee. Keep the person at least a leg-length away so they can’t reach you.
- Evaluate the situation and think carefully before responding.
- Try to remain attentive and concerned. Avoid using a tone of voice which is loud, condescending, or moralistic. Empathize with the person, acknowledge their feelings.
- Listen carefully for clues as to the person’s motivation and likely causes of behavior.
- Do not physically touch, crowd, or confront the person.
If an earthquake occurs:
- Remain calm.
- Drop to the floor. Cover yourself. Crawl under a table or desk away from windows. Hold on to your shelter. Place your head between your knees to protect your face from flying glass or debris.
- Stay where you are. Do not enter or exit a building during shaking.
- Stay away from windows, mirrors, overhead fixtures, filing cabinets, bookcases, and electrical equipment.
- Do not use matches, lighters, candles, or electrical switches. Use flashlights.
- If evacuation is ordered, proceed to the appropriate assembly area.
- Do not move seriously injured persons unless they are in obvious, immediate danger.
- Open doors carefully. Watch for falling objects.
- Do not use elevators.
- Avoid using telephones except to report severe emergencies.
- Do not spread rumors.
- Inform emergency/rescue personnel of the location of any trapped person(s).
If you observe fire or smoke:
- From a safe distance, determine the location of the fire and what may be burning.
- Call 911. Provide your name and the location of the fire. If in a safe location, stay on the line with the dispatcher until told you may hang up.
- If you hear the evacuation alarm, proceed to the appropriate assembly area.
- If the fire is small, you may attempt to put it out with a fire extinguisher if you have been properly trained. Do not jeopardize your personal safety. All fires, no matter how small, must be reported to the University Police at 359-7676.
- Evacuate your area if you are unable to put out the fire. Close doors behind you to confine the fire. Proceed to the appropriate assembly area.
- Know alternate exits from your work area. Never allow the fire to come between you and the exit.
- Before opening a door, use the back of your hand to feel the top of the door, the doorknob, and the crack between the door and doorframe. If it feels hot, use your secondary escape route. Even if the door feels cool, open it carefully. If the door is hot, or if smoke is visible, do not open the door. If you have to move through a burning or smoked filled area, stay low to the ground or crawl. Use a damp cloth to breathe through if it is available.
- Do not break a window unless it is the ONLY means of escape. Oxygen feeds a fire.
- If you are in a room and cannot escape, leave the door closed, stay low to the floor and hang a white or light colored cloth in an outside window.
- Do not use elevators.
- Do not attempt to save possessions at the risk of personal injury.
- Do not return to the area until instructed to do so by a Public Safety official.
Persons using wheelchairs should move to an Area of Refuge if available. If these are not available, they should shelter-in-place unless the danger is imminent. Shelter-in-place means remaining in a room with an exterior window, a telephone and a solid or fire resistant door. Call 911 and report the location.
For false or needless alarms or an isolated or contained fire, a person with a disability may not need to evacuate. The decision to evacuate will be made by the fire department. The fire department will tell the individual or relay the information via the EWU Police Department.
If a chemical spill occurs:
- If toxic chemicals come in contact with your skin, immediately flush the affected area with clean water for 15 minutes. Use chemical showers and/or eye wash stations, if available.
- Have someone call 911 if you cannot do so yourself.
- If there is any possible danger, evacuate the area.
- Notify your supervisor of the type of chemical, if known, and the extent and location of the spill.
- Notify Environmental Health and Safety at 509-359-6496.
If an airborne release occurs:
- Immediately evacuate the area.
- Call 911
- Describe the substance and the amount released, if possible.
- Do not re-enter a contaminated area until cleared to do so by competent authority.
- Notify Environmental Health and Safety at 509-359-6496.
Mass illness can be caused by disease organisms or by exposure to toxic substances. Exposure can result from skin contact, ingestion of food or water, or breathing airborne substances or organisms.
If you or someone around you becomes ill, especially if the onset is sudden:
- If symptoms appear serious or life threatening, such as shortness of breath, uncontrolled vomiting, altered mental status or unconsciousness, call 911 immediately.
- Is there more than one person affected?
- Does the illness seem to originate from or be confined to a specific area?
- Did those affected engage in similar activity, such as sharing a meal?
- Notify Office of Risk Management at 359-6496 if multiple persons exhibit similar symptoms in about the same time period. After hours contact University Police at 359-7676.
- Follow the guidelines listed in Biohazards/Hazardous Materials.
If you observe someone with a weapon:
- CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY. If you observe someone whom you believe might be in possession of a weapon call 911.
- Observe at a distance and provide the following information to the Police Department, if possible:
- Your exact location and the location of the person or persons involved.
- What is currently happening or what has happened. Are there injuries?
- A detailed description of the person or persons involved, including gender, race, clothing, cap or hat, shoes and distinguishing characteristics such as facial hair, glasses, etc.
- Describe the weapon involved, if known.
- Describe any vehicle(s) that may be involved and license number(s) if available.
- Under no circumstances should you confront a person whom you believe is armed.
- Ensure your personal safety and the safety of those around you, to the maximum extent possible.
If you hear shots fired:
- Take cover as quickly as possible. Close and lock doors, stay away from windows and take cover behind furniture or other barriers. If you are outside a building move away from the situation as quickly as possible and take cover.
- Do not attempt to rescue casualties; you may become the next victim.
- Emergencies and disasters can happen any time, any place.
- How well prepared are YOU for such an event?
- Planning helps you be prepared and reduces fear and anxiety.
- Planning helps you face a wide range of emergencies and will give you the tools to act quickly and decisively when seconds count.
- Be aware, use common sense and plan early.
- Departments need an accountability plan to account for the location of staff during an emergency. Who is scheduled to work, who is out of the office, who is on annual leave?
- Assume personal responsibility for your safety and security.
- Register to receive campus notifications at EWU Alerts (ewu.edu/alerts). Keep your contact information current.
- Know your building name and street address, your room number and your office phone number.
- Read, understand and regularly review the information in this booklet.
- Discuss concerns or suggest changes with your supervisor.
- Help others in your work area to read and understand the information and assist them with their personal safety plan, if appropriate.
- Have a plan for different situations on campus:
- When you are out of the office or in public areas.
- When you are out of doors: Where is the nearest place of refuge?
- Always be aware of your surroundings (situational awareness).
- Know your assigned Assembly Area.
- Practice your personal safety plan.
- Lock things up:
- Vehicle: Lock doors and put valuables in the trunk prior to coming on campus.
- Office: Lock the door and keep valuables out of sight or in secure storage.
- Computer on-line safety:
- Keep personal information confidential.
- Report suspicious emails or suspected hacking attempts to your supervisor.
- Report suspicious or unusual activity immediately to EWU Police: 359.7676
- Shelter in place if directed.
- Evacuate if directed and go to your assigned Assembly Area.
- Wait for instructions from police, fire or emergency management.
- Remain at the Assembly Area until given the “All Clear.”
Contact your supervisor if away from your own department for the purpose of accountability and for further instructions.
If a power outage occurs:
- Notify Work Order Desk and Dispatch at 359-2245 immediately during business hours. After hours, weekends, and holidays call the Operations Control Center at 359-6460 (24 hours).
- Advise of your location and any details regarding the outage. Indicate whether there is any critical equipment in imminent danger.
- If you are in an unlit area, proceed cautiously to an area that has emergency lighting.
- Provide assistance to people in your immediate vicinity.
- Turn off computers or other electronic equipment at the power source.
- If you are in an elevator, stay calm. Attempt to use the emergency alarm and intercom to notify Public Safety.
- If the power outage has taken out the emergency power generator, remain calm. Help will come.
- Stand by for instructions. If instructed to evacuate, proceed to the appropriate assembly area
Classes will occasionally be cancelled when severe weather threatens:
- If such an event is forecast or is occurring, call the 24-Hour Recorded Message at 359-7669 (SNOW Line) for campus closure and other information.
- Tune to KEWU FM at 89.5 MHz or to local television or radio stations for up to date information.
- Keep in emergency kit in your car that includes first aid kit, flashlight and extra batteries and extra clothing appropriate for the season.
- Keep a flashlight and extra batteries in your office.
- Plan your transportation needs. Do not attempt to drive in severe weather conditions.
Shelter in Place means going inside the nearest building, finding a small, interior room above ground floor with few or no windows, and sheltering there.
- It may or may not involve a lock-down.
- Shelter in place orders may be issued for severe weather, a HAZMAT spill in the area, a police pursuit where a suspect may be in the area or other event where staying indoors is the safest option.
- Stay away from windows.
- Stay inside until the all clear is given or ordered to evacuate the building.
- Have a personal shelter in place plan for your work area.
Lockdown includes shelter in place but is usually ordered for some active threat either inside the building or near the building.
- Find an interior room with few or no windows and a door that can be locked or barricaded.
- Turn off the lights.
- Silence cell phones.
- Stay away from windows.
- Do not open the door unless you are certain the person wanting access is not a threat.
- Wait for the all clear.
- Have a personal lockdown plan for your work area. If your office door cannot be locked find a nearby room that can be.
A terrorist strike on a college campus will likely be limited in scope and may include shooting, suicide bombing, other explosive or incendiary devices, or releases of chemical or biological agents.
More than one person may be involved and several incidents may occur simultaneously.
- Report any suspicious person or suspicious activity by calling
- Alone and nervous.
- Loose and/or bulky clothing; may not fit weather conditions.
- Exposed wires, possibly through a sleeve.
- Rigid midsection: Explosive device or may be carrying a rifle.
- Tightened hands: May hold detonation device.
- If an explosion is seen or heard, follow the guidelines listed under Bomb/Explosion.
- Be aware of the possibility of a second explosion.
- If you smell an unusual odor or see a visible cloud, especially in an enclosed area:
- Evacuate the area immediately.
- Call 911
- If there is any physical reaction, such as tearing, coughing, difficulty breathing or sudden nausea, get outside to fresh air and seek medical help.
- Do not attempt to rescue persons who collapse or become unconscious.
- If you discover any suspicious device, package, envelope, container, backpack or other object:
- Call 911
- Do not approach or touch the object. Note the description and the exact location of the object and report this as accurately as possible.
- Evacuate the immediate area and do not allow others to enter.
- Check EWU Alerts for any information.
- Contact your supervisor to determine if there is any action recommended for the campus.
- If the fire is not a direct threat but there is heavy smoke in the area, shelter in place may be advised.
- If a campus evacuation is ordered, determine where the fire is located, which direction it is moving, and which routes are recommended.
- If the route of travel to your desired destination is compromised do not attempt to travel in that direction.
- Find an alternate safe route or change your destination to a safe area.